SC15 Art and Display Engagement Discussion — 7/10/2015 Neal and Patrick Goranson (A&D)


Background for discussion with Patrick — SC Area layout/rental from 7/2 SLAC/SU SC15 meeting:

                • Get information regarding presentation requirements/preference from content providers.

                • Stanford will work with their research groups.

                • SLAC will work with KIPAC, LSST and Biosciences.

                • Data due to the committee by end of July/early August. People are on leave.

                • Neal will setup a meeting/conference call with Art and Display for mid August to discuss layout/cost.

                • Booth should include

                                • an area for casual discussion (small tables,chairs)

                                • small corner for booth network setup (Dell or not)

                                • display area based on requirements for presenters.

                • We wish to keep it simple.


How do we start the discussion for concepts/designs with A&D?

— Start with a conference call.

— No need for money just yet, but an idea of budget would be helpful to make sure they don’t over design.

— Be prepared to discuss our objectives for what we want to convey.

                — workstations?

                — demos?

— Provide sketches if we like.

— By mid August is fine.

— Dialed in by mid September would be awesome — build in October



— A&D can handle rentals and shipping.

— They can coordinate the shipping (already have a few semi tractor trailer loads going to SC15) — Freight/shipping, installation and dismantling contracted to another company they work with frequently.

— A&D will be on site at SC15 to supervise.

— Cheaper for us to bill shipper/install/dismantle company directly.

— There will be a markup if billed through A&D.

— Providing Credit Card number would be easiest.


A&D will provide estimates when we have finalized design.


Freeman provides electrical and networking, piping for SC.


Check site calendar for ordering deadlines like network/electrical. (Link added to SC15 Confluence page


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