SC15 Project Meeting — 7/2/2015 Polya Hall Rm 162

Attendees: (SLAC) Neal Adams, Stuart Marshall, Yemi Adesanya, (Stanford) Ruth Marinshaw, Phil Reese,  Kilian Cavalotti, Will Law, Stephane Thiell
SU/SLAC SC15 Theme: “HPC Transforms”
Status of Action items from last meeting on 5/26/15
  • Ruth will look at calendar to setup meetings for every two weeks.
    •  Recently difficult to schedule due to other commitments/outages. 
  •  Phil will make initial contact with SU sign vendor to discuss cost of doing the conference booth design.
    • Phil and Neal had initial conference call with Art and Display.
  •  Neal will work with Phil on Confluence site.
  • Yemi will talk to Stuart and another research opportunity TBD.
    • Yemi contacted Stuart Marshall (LSST), Ralf Kaehler (KIPAC), Soichi Wakatsuki and Henry van den Bedem (Biosciences) regarding their interest in participating in SC15. All are willing.
The following research groups are interested in providing content for SC15:
HIVE: Visualization content from researchers who used HIVE
PANDE LAB — "Folding at Home" 
Computational Earth Sciences
Carnegie Institute for Science 
Army HP Research Center
  • Plan for shipping 3 weeks ahead of conference.
  • We could utilize SRCF as the shipping staging area for both SU and SLAC. Phil worked with Sandra Pickram (SLAC Shipping and Receiving) and Teri Church.
Booth presentation:
We will probably have a mix of the following.
  • videos with supporting research video
  • video with supporting static screens describing research
  • static screens describing research and use of HPC
Plus network hardware or status monitors.
  • Pacific Network Research presence at booth.
  • Phil working with Dell on acquiring 100GB connection for data transfer test using Dell hardware.
Storage and hosts for video images.
— SC has a great network.
— Send a switch down and setup IP range
3D videos; hosts and storage
— Hosts have to be on a network
— Ralf used a DVD player?
SC Area layout/rental:
  • Get information regarding presentation requirements/preference from content providers.
  • Stanford will work with their research groups.
  • SLAC will work with KIPAC, LSST and Biosciences.
  • Data due to the committee by end of July/early August. People are on leave.
  • Neal will setup a meeting/conference call with Art and Display for mid August to discuss layout/cost.
  • Booth should include 
    • an area for casual discussion (small tables,chairs)
    • small corner for booth network setup (Dell or not)
    • display area based on requirements for presenters.
  • We wish to keep it simple.
Ideas for Swag:
  • SU Nerd glasses
  • microscope out of paper
  • Transformer toy? (HPC transforms)
  • Google Cardboard folding glasses for 3D.
Other ideas:
  • Small Hadoop cluster
  • SU Drive by Wire VW
Zoox (Stuart mentioned that Ralf has met with them about computing, Yemi and Chris too)
— Legal issues to work out.
  • SU and SLAC to contact presenters regarding their presentation needs (see SC Area notes)
    • Video displays, type, media player, PC/MAC, storage requirements etc.
    • What kind of content can they provide?
  • Schedule next meeting for early August. Goal is to have enough information for Art and Display to design and provide cost estimate.
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