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Present: Stepan, FX, Tim, Matt, Takashi, Maurik, John

Please send corrections/additions to the entire mail list.

1. News
Stepan reported that the HDice target installed this week is not working. This has altered the schedule, with some more electron target background runs planned over the next two weeks, and no photon running (hence no checkout of new ecal yet). HDice future plans are uncertain. They may try to install another target ~mid April or ?
The lab is asking them to fish or cut bait, which could lead to an opportunity for HPS to move to its electron run before the last minute. This will develop over the next couple of weeks and we'll see.

2. SVT Status
Tim reported that module production this week was lower than hoped for (up to 5, hoped for 8) due to fab and cleaning mistakes at SLAC shops. Mistakes have been identified and hopefully corrected. If things go better next week (knock wood), we can still plan to ship the SVT by April 6.

2. Shift Timing
We decided to staff shifts beginning the week of April 16, ending (for now) May 18. An extension will require revisiting this.

Not quite clear if we'll start parasitic with HDice or on our own. If with HDice, we need 1 HPS person/shift (since CLAS will be staffed); without, need 2, one with beam experience.

We decided that Run Coordinator, Physics Division Liaison (PDL), and scheduled system experts won't be on shift.
The major subsystems (Ecal(FX), SVT(Tim), Beam(Stepan), DAQ(Sergey/Ryan)) will provide a list of experts, and the weeks experts will be at Jlab. Policy is to have at least one expert/subsystem resident at Jlab assigned during all running. Minor subsystems (cooling, linear shifts, slow controls, monitoring/calibrating, other?) should decide what coverage is needed and we should settle next meeting.

Run Coordinators will be John (4/11-4/25), Maurik (4/26-5/8), and Takashi (5/9-5/16). Matt expressed interest.
Others on EC, not needed as experts or PDL, are also fair game, if RCs have scheduling difficulties.

3. Setting up shifts
As shift czar, FX will get availabilities from HPS collaboration members and put together a shift list.
He'll need to know which experts are assigned for the various subsystems throughout the run period.
We also need to set a shift policy. Perhaps FX can propose something (borrowed?) to the EC, and we can discuss next week. He plans to use a google tool for scheduling.

4. Ecal progress.
We didn't discuss it, but Phillipe, FX, and Emmanuel have assembled the top half of the Ecal. Each crystal has been tested. It's ready for beam testing.


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