BeamtestRelease releases

latest tag: v4r0909p8

p7 had the problem that BeamTestTuple crashes for events with 18 scaler hits. This is fixed now.
A lot of changes improve ancillary data recon. A tagger calibration (determining the positions) was performed before run #1176. This geometry is being used, pedestals are subtracted, magnet current and nominal beam momentum are read from the rcReport.out file. All this is enabled in readigi_runrecon.txt. It works, and the tagger data are beautiful.

Another major change is the implementation to read data directly from the data stream (socket Gleam). This shouldn't affect running Gleam unless explicitely enabled in the jobOptions. Also, it's not yet tested.

version v4r0909p8    -- 11 August 2006
  - updated tags:
    o IExternal/ldfExt  v0r620p1 conform to rev. dir struct in win
    o ldfReader         v3r26p2 fix/clean -up AcdDigis, consts, socket Gleam
    o LdfConverter      v3r6p1  socket Gleam
    o AncillaryDataRecon v1r0p1 fixed recon, ped subtraction, rm cout, clus mult
    o AncillaryDataEvent v1r4p1 fixed recon, MC geo, num clus, rm cout
    o AncillaryDataUtil v1r0    fixed MC geo, 4 mod in row
    o reconRootData     v9r6p1  clus #
    o RootConvert       v1r18p1 clus #
    o BeamTestTuple     v1r2    clus #, 18 scaler hits, rinocal&qdc, int. point
    o AdfReader         v0r3    rm cout
    o calibGenANC       v0r1p3  run number option
    o G4Generator       v5r15p1 point_on_beamline property in BeamTransform
    o CalXtalResponse   v0r12p5 improved return codes
    o beamtest06        v5r3p3  new macro, improved readigi_runrecon.txt


AcdDigi was fixed. Analzying runs 837 (didn't work before) and 911, we now have ACD info in the BTtuple. Franz says they make sense. Nicola says that ANC recon now really works. Anders submitted new CAL calibs. Since then, we don't get flooded anymore by "CalCalibSvc         ERROR No spline data found ..." messages. The caltuple problem is identified. The separate root files are fine, but hadd screws it up. This is not a BeamtestRelease put pipeline problem. The ancillary packages were cleaned-up a bit.

I think we can consider this tag for reprocessing the pipeline.

version v4r0909p7    -- 04 August 2006
  - updated tags:
    o ldfReader         v3r25p4 fix/clean -up AcdDigis
    o AncillaryDataRecon v0r2p4 fixed recon
    o AncillaryDataEvent v1r3p5 fixed recon
    o AncillaryDataUtil v0r1p7  correct geometry


There where two tags, p4 and p5, for which I forgot to write a note. Since p4 a lot changed. ACD calib and mapping is in place. ACD calib doesn't anymore cause abort of Gleam. ACD mapping can be specified in a txt file. This is supposed to work, but for the moment declines to return non-default ADC values. ACD tile geometry was refined. Ancillary data handling is now understood. The code doesn't terminate on missing ANC data anmore. It doesn't produce messages anymore that the event sequence numbers don't match. A segfault reading from ldf is being caught and handled (this required upgrade of the ldf libs). Segfaults should be logged during code execution. As I don't see any, I am unsure if they are really logged. TkrUtil has an extension to assign default (or 0) calib values if missing for the TKR ToT.

version v4r0909p6    -- 03 August 2006
  - updated tags:
    o ldfReader         v3r25p3 update of ldf lib, ADF seq number, ACD remap
    o LdfConverter      v3r5p1  update of ldf lib, ACD remap
    o IExternal/ldfExt  v0r620p0
    o beamtest06        v5r2p2  $() in job options
    o xmlGeoDbs         v1r35p3 fine tuning of tle geometry
    o TkrUtil           v3r8p2  handles missing calib info
version v4r0909p5    -- 01 August 2006
  - updated tags:
    o ldfConverter      v3r4p1  prevent missing ANC data from termination
    o AdfReader         v0r2p1
    o BeamTestTuple     v1r0p7  error info
version v4r0909p4    -- 31 July 2006
  - updated tags:
    o ldfReader         v3r24p1 adding txt file for ACD mapping
    o LdfConverter      v3r4    adding txt file for ACD mapping
    o AncillaryDataEvent v1r3p4 constness
    o AncillaryDataRecon v0r2p3 windows compile
    o BeamTestTuple     v1r0p6  remove 1000 events limit
    o beamtest06        v5r2p1  change to the pipeline job options


Try this tag, it could be our first serious tag!!!

v4r0909p3 has the latest updates to ancillary data handling, ACD tiles, CAL, and BeamTestTuple. Real data can be analyzed using the jobOptions files ldf2digi.txt and readigi_runrecon.txt in $BEAMTEST06ROOT/jobOptions. Calibrations are enabled for TKR, CAL, and ACD (before, ACD was missing).  AcdRecon is enabled (missing before). The TKR alignment constants obtained with AlignmentHack are being used. The full chain of ANC handling is done, digi and recon.

v4r0909p3 was tested using run #700000509. This run was taken at Pisa, with the beamline detectors on top (as far as I know). Occasionally, all four detectors are being traversed by a particle, simulating incoming beam particle and outgoing tagger hit. As far as I can tell, it works.  However, Cerenkov (QDC) was missing. Hence, this has to be checked with real data.  Also, have a check that ACD recon really works.

version v4r0909p3    -- 28 July 2006
  - updated tags:
    o beamtest06        v5r2p0  good looking data pipeline job options
    o AncillaryDataEvent v1r3p2 updates to anc data recon
    o commonRootData    v2r13
    o digiRootData      v9r13
    o reconRootData     v9r5
    o RootConvert       v1r17
    o RootIo            v17r21p0
    o BeamTestTuple     v1r0p5
    o AncillaryDataRecon v0r2p2 error for energy estimate
    o AncillaryDataUtil v0r1p6  fix of the test app
    o xmlGeoDbs         v1r35p2 ACD tile positions
    o CalXtalResponse   v0r12p4 fix the fix, now 4-range should work


Contains updates to reading ancillary from ldf, and ancillary recon. Important is a bug fix in CalXtalResponse. This tag will be used to rerun the pipeline (at least run 700000500), with the fix of CalXtalResponse, and calibrations for CAL (and TKR).  The last runs were made with v3r0907p2, without calibrations (calib "ideal").  Request of Thierry and Fred.

version v4r0909p2    -- 26 July 2006
  - updated tags:
    o AncillaryDataRecon v0r2p1 ancillary recon
    o AncillaryDataEvent v1r2p1
    o AncillaryDataUtil v0r1p4
    o AdfReader         v0r2
    o AdfEvent          v0r5
    o calibGenANC       v0r1p1
    o LdfConverter      v3r3    ancillary ldf
    o ldfReader         v3r22
    o Gleam             v6r19
    o RootConvert       v1r15p1
    o BeamTestTuple     v1r0p2  fixed a cast
    o CalXtalResponse   v0r12p2 fix indexing bug, add 4-r CAL E to calTuple


I'm making an incremental tag, before more mods to come. Heather writes the root and TDS classes (concerning ancillary data) are consistent now. There where also updates to windows build.  In fact, this tag should run under windows, though I'm not going to test it.

simulation sequence creating the particle root file with beamtest06 (PS only, I don't know how to make SPS runs), and reconstructing with beamtestOptions.txt.
Real data sequence with run 330000832, creating the digi with ldf2digi.txt, and reconstructing with readigi_runrecon.txt.  Still, ACD calib and recon are disabled.

version v4r0909p1    -- 21 July 2006
  - updated tags:
    o BeamTestTuple     v1r0p1  windows build
    o calibTkrUtil      v1r3p1  compile problem
    o commonRootData    v2r12   (temp) sync of root and TDS
    o digiRootData      v9r12
    o RootConvert       v1r15
    o RootIo            v17r21
    o AncillaryDataEvent v0r1p5
    o AncillaryDataUtil v0r1p3


notes for data pipeline (ldf2digi and readigi_runrecon):

  • TKR and CAL calibrations are enabled, ACD disabled (no calibrations done yet)
  • TkrAlignmentSvc file is being read, but the existing file doesn't contain constants
  • AcdRecon is disabled. The data don't contain ACD (scintillator info yet). Mapping between tiles in ldf and geometry doesn't match. Matching is still unknown (tiles are not connected).

Please, check this tag, and ask for update of package tags.

version v4r0909p0    -- 19 July 2006
  - merge with GR v9r9
  - updated tags:
    o AcdRecon          v3r5p1  AcdRecon updates (Eric)
    o xmlgeoDbs         v1r34p4
    o G4Generator       v5r15   finishing coordinate swap (Leon)
    o commonRootData    v2r10   ancillary data (Heather, Joanne, Nicola)
    o digiRootData      v9r11
    o reconRootData     v9r3
    o AdfEvent          v0r3
    o AncillaryDataEvent  v0r1p3
    o RootConvert       v1r14
    o RootIo            v17r20
    o calibUtil         v1r7
    o CalibData         v0r15
    o CalibSvc          v0r25
    o Gleam             v6r18p2  tag corrected
    o HepRepSvc         v0r18p3  FRED fix for BR with ACD hits (Leon)
    o enums             v0r9    I thought I needed these
    o CalXtalResponse   v0r12p1
   - extra packages:
    o calibGenCAL       v4r2p4  calibration/analysis packages
    o calibGenTKR       v4r2
    o calibGenANC       v0r1
    o RootAnalysis      v8r8p4
    o BeamTestTuple     v1r0    the beamtest tuple
    o calibTkrUtil      v1r2p2
    o beamtest06        v5r1p11
    o AdfReader         v0r1p2  more ancillary packages
    o AncillaryDataRecon  v0r1p3
    o AncillaryDataUtil  v0r1p2
  • No labels