Reason for Change

New db tables were requested by the GRB group to provide information for the new GRB catalog definition. GCN Notice handling has been improved to provide access to the email texts from GCN. A dev version of the upper limit code has been installed to avoid having to propagate these changes to an ST release.

Also will move to ST v9r5p3 in order to have fixes to irfs/latResponse v2r1p3 for Pass 6 IRFs.

Test Procedure

Built against ST v9r5p3. Tested on /ASP/TestSims data on dev.

Rollback Procedure

Revert to ASP v2r3 and ST v9r5p2. Revert db tables using revision 1.24 of dbCreation.sql script.

CCB Jira



For reference, see the 13 May 2008 Status report to SC Steering committee.

  • ASP v2r4
    • AspPolicy v0r5
      • refactor to obviate need for ASP_PATH and ST_INST env vars to be set
      • remove incorrect location of isoc-installed logging module from PYTHONPATH in
      • add "$@" to exec command so wrapper scripts will pass command line arguments to python script
    • pyASP v3r4
      • add dev version of for use by ASP (superceding ST/pyLikelihood/ module). This version has a more efficient algorithm for computing the upper limit corresponding to a given confidence limit.
      • add function to resolve nfs paths
    • grbASP v4r1
      • Rewrite SQL queries in to handle new db tables.
      • Provide more context for prompt burst light curve plots: include data before and after prompt burst phase to plot background levels and overlay Bayesian Blocks light curve solution.
      • add scripts to ingest, parse, and archive GCN Notice emails (,
      • Use GRB_ID to set the stream id for GRB_afterglow tasks (this is already done for GRB_refinement)
    • AspLauncher v1r3
      • Remove dependence on ASP_PATH env var, rely instead on wrapper scripts for environment
      • add code to generate timeintervals db table entries based on current data (,, AspInsertIntervals.xml)
    • asp_pgwave v1r4p1
      • remove unneeded argument from launchDrpMonitoring command
    • drpMonitoring v1r3p1
      • refactor ROI_ID assignments
  • database table changes
    • GRB
      • Add column TYPE to distinguish between ASP and RSP usage
      • Add column DURATION for duration of intervals in seconds