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A quick walk-through of the tools that exist for analysis of xtc files with python.
The main focus is on pyana, and the examples are from and for XPP primarily,
but may be useful examples to other experiments too.

The Basics



Analysis Workbook. Python-based Analysis

Exploring an xtc file


 pyxtcreader -h
usage: pyxtcreader [options] xtc-files ...

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose
  -l L1_OFFSET, --l1-offset=L1_OFFSET

Loops through the xtc datagrams and dumps info to screen. I recommend piping it to 'less'.


xtcscanner -h
usage: xtcscanner [options] xtc-files ...

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -n NDATAGRAMS, --ndatagrams=NDATAGRAMS
  -v, --verbose
  -l L1_OFFSET, --l1-offset=L1_OFFSET
  -e, --epics

Similar to pyxtcreader in that it loops throug xtc datagrams, but doesn't print to screen. Internally counts the datatypes it finds, and at the end dumps a summary only. Optinally prints out epics information (default no).

Example output:

xtcscanner /reg/d/psdm/xpp/xppi0310/xtc/e81-r0098-s0*
Start parsing files:
['/reg/d/psdm/xpp/xppi0310/xtc/e81-r0098-s00-c00.xtc', '/reg/d/psdm/xpp/xppi0310/xtc/e81-r0098-s01-c00.xtc']
  14826 datagrams read in 4.120000 s .   .   .   .   .   .   .
XtcScanner information:
  - 61 calibration cycles.
  - Events per calib cycle:
   [240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240]

Information from  1  control channels found:
Information from  11  devices found
                      BldInfo:EBeam:             EBeamBld_V1 (14641)
            BldInfo:FEEGasDetEnergy:             FEEGasDetEnergy (14563)   Any (78)
             BldInfo:NH2-SB1-IPM-01:             SharedIpimb (14641)
                BldInfo:PhaseCavity:             PhaseCavity (14641)
     DetInfo:EpicsArch-0|NoDevice-0:             Epics_V1 (107580)
         DetInfo:NoDetector-0|Evr-0:             EvrConfig_V4 (62)   EvrData_V3 (14640)
        DetInfo:XppSb2Ipm-1|Ipimb-0:             IpimbConfig_V1 (1)   IpmFexConfig_V1 (1)   IpimbData_V1 (14640)   IpmFex_V1 (14640)
        DetInfo:XppSb3Ipm-1|Ipimb-0:             IpimbConfig_V1 (1)   IpmFexConfig_V1 (1)   IpimbData_V1 (14640)   IpmFex_V1 (14640)
        DetInfo:XppSb3Pim-1|Ipimb-0:             IpimbConfig_V1 (1)   IpmFexConfig_V1 (1)   IpimbData_V1 (14640)   IpmFex_V1 (14640)
        DetInfo:XppSb4Pim-1|Ipimb-0:             IpimbConfig_V1 (1)   IpmFexConfig_V1 (1)   IpimbData_V1 (14640)   IpmFex_V1 (14640)
                          ProcInfo::             RunControlConfig_V1 (62)
XtcScanner is done!


XTC Explorer - GUI interface that builds pyana modules for you.

Extracting the data with pyana, some examples

Point detector delay scan

  • Fetching the ControlPV information
        def begincalibcycle( self, evt, env ) :
            # get updated configuration object at each calibcycle. 
            ctrl_config = env.getConfig(TypeId.Type.Id_ControlConfig)
            for ic in range (0, ctrl_config.npvControls() ):
                cpv = ctrl_config.pvControl(ic)
                    # store the value in a class variable (visible in every class method)
                    self.current_pv_value = cpv.value() )
  • Fetching the IPIMB information
        def event( self, evt, env ) :
            # Use "XppSb3Ipm-1|Ipimb-0" (a.k.a. IPM3) for normalization and filtering
            ipmN_raw = evt.get(TypeId.Type.Id_IpimbData, "XppSb3Ipm-1|Ipimb-0")
            ipmN_fex = evt.get(TypeId.Type.Id_IpmFex, "XppSb3Ipm-1|Ipimb-0")
            # we use the IpmFex information, and choose to use the sum 
            # of all channel values for normalization and filtering 
            ipmN_norm = ipmN_fex.sum
            # Use "XppSb3Pim-1|Ipimb-0" (a.k.a. PIM3) channel 1 as signal
            ipmS_raw = evt.get(TypeId.Type.Id_IpimbData, "XppSb3Pim-1|Ipimb-0" )
            ipmS_fex = evt.get(TypeId.Type.Id_IpmFex, "XppSb3Pim-1|Ipimb-0" )
            # Here, we use IpmFex channel 1 (counting from 0) as the signal
            ipm_sig =[1]
  • Fetching the Phase Cavity information
        def event(self, evt, env):
            pc = evt.getPhaseCavity()
            phasecav1 = pc.fFitTime1
            phasecav2 = pc.fFitTime2
            charge1 = pc.fCharge1
            charge2 = pc.fCharge2
  • Computing the delay time and making histograms
        def event(self, evt, env):
            delaytime = self.current_pv_value + phasecav1*1e3    
            # The "histograms" are nothing but python lists. Append to them, and turn them into arrays at the end. 
            self.h_ipm_rsig.append( ipm_sig )
            self.h_ipm_nsig.append( ipm_sig/ipm_norm )
            self.h_delaytime.append( delaytime )

Image peak finding

CSPad images and tile arangements

Saving data arrays

Plotting with MatPlotLib

Interactive analysis with iPython

Non-interactive batch analysis

XTC Explorer

  • No labels