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The SLIC simulation package produces simulated physics events in the LCIO data format. This tutorial shows how to read these events into the Pandora PFA New project to create output Particle Flow Objects (PFOs).



A Linux or Unix platform is assumed and the bash shell is used for all command-line instructions. These procedures should also work on an emulation platform like Cygwin. (untested!)

Two external packages must be installed onto your machine before setting up the SLIC to Pandora interface package. The LCIO package provides the data interchange format. The Pandora PFA New project is the C++ implementation of the Pandora Particle Flow Algorithm (PFA).

LCIO Installation

Checkout the LCIO project from cvs.

cd /workdir
cvs -d co lcio

Building this project requires the CMake tool, the installation of which is not covered here. It additionally requires command-line GNU Make.

cd lcio
cmake .

Pandora PFA New Installation

Now download the Pandora project from the internet and build it. This project also requires CMake to build it.

Follow this link to download the SVN trunk of the Pandora project. Save it to your local computer (in this case to a pandora subdirectory).

cd /workdir/pandora
tar -zxvf PandoraPFANew-trunk.tar.gz
cd trunk
cmake .

Now we're ready to setup the project that interfaces SLIC to Pandora.

slicPandora Installation

Checkout the slicPandora project from cvs.

cd /workdir
cvs -d co slicPandora
cd slicPandora

Copy the example setup script.


Edit so that the PANDORAPFA and LCIO variables point to the correct locations of these packages on your computer (from the installation above).

Source the new setup script.


Build the slicPandora project.


The slicPandora project should now build successfully. If compilation or linking errors occur, then check that LCIO and Pandora were installed successfully and that the setup script is pointing to the correct locations of these packages.

Running Events


The essential steps to generating slicPandora events are as follows.

1) Use SLIC to generate LCIO simulation data.
2) Add tracks to the event by running a tracking package such as LCSim's SeedTracker.
3) Add the TrackState collections so slicPandora knows the Track momenta. (can be combined with #2 into one LCSim job)
4) Finally, run slicPandora with the LCSim output, a Pandora XML geometry generated by GeomConverter, and a Pandora settings XML file.

These steps are covered in more detail below.


Before the simulated LCIO events can be run through Pandora, the LCSim tracking needs to run in order to add a collection of tracks. LCSim can be run using the steering file, sidloi3_tracking_steering.xml.

java -jar ./lcsim.jar sidloi3_tracking_steering.xml

The input files section needs to be changed to point to your local simulated SLIC events.

If you don't have a working LCSim setup, follow the LCSim XML instructions to set one up.


The PandoraFrontend binary provides a simple frontend to slicPandora.

The syntax of this command is the following.

./bin/PandoraFrontend geometry.xml pandoraSettings.xml inputEvents.slcio reconOutput.slcio [nevents]

The nevents command is optional, but all other arguments are required and must be supplied in order.

For example, to repeat the results of the JobManagerTest using PandoraFrontend, execute this command.

./bin/PandoraFrontend ./examples/sidloi2_pandora.xml ./examples/PandoraSettingsNew.xml ./input.slcio ./pandoraRecon.slcio 2

The above command requires that the input events were generated in the sidloi2 detector and that a symlink has been setup pointing from "input.slcio" to your input event file.

Using GeomConverter to Output the Pandora Format

The GeomConverter package can convert from compact detector descriptions to various output formats, including one for input to slicPandora. (Installation of GeomConverter is not covered here.)

Use this command from your GeomConverter root directory to generate a Pandora geometry file from a compact detector description.

java -jar ./target/GeomConverter-1.10-SNAPSHOT-bin.jar -o pandora ./myCompactDetector.xml ./myPandoraGeom.xml

This will write out a Pandora XML file to "myPandoraGeom.xml" from the compact description in "myCompactDetector.xml".

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