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  • Module::Load
  • HTTP::Daemon
  • XML::SAX
  • Config::General
  • aliased
  • Readonly
  • Term::ReadKey
  • DBI::DBD
  • DBD::mysql
  • DBD::SQLite
  • Class::Accessor
  • Class::Fields
  • Params::Validate
  • Statistics::Descriptive
  • Data::UUID
  • IO::Interface
  • DateTime
  • Error
  • Log::Dispatch::FileRotate
  • Log::Log4perl


Theoretically, the service can work with any kind of File Transfer protocol. For test purposes and limiting the large amount of possibilities we use GridFTP as a primary File Transfer Tool.

GridFTP Installation Instruction

  • There are a number of online resources, that can help an administrator, install GridFTP. Some of them are:
  • A bug in GridFTP causes intervals to be calculated incorrectly unless you use a very recent version of GridFTP or the subversion trunk version of NetLogger.
  • There is generally no restriction on the version of GridFTP to be used, however, it is advised to use the latest one, with minimum security risks.

NetLogger Installation


Download the Source Code as a tar ball

  • tar \-xvf FileTransfer_MA.1b.tar
  • mkdir /var/log/perfsonar
  • Run the SQL Procedure(mysql) on the netlogger database to produce a secondary database. This secondary database is the one, the FTMA service will be interacting with.

From the svn

  • Checkout the latest version of FTMA:
    • With username and password:
  • svn checkout
    • Anonymously:
  • svn checkout 


  • Create the log Directory
     mkdir /var/log/perfsonar (Create the log directory as is shown by daemon_logger.conf)
  • Run the SQL Procedure(mysql) on the netlogger database to produce a secondary database.

This secondary database is the one, the FTMA service will be interacting with. This procedure has the ability to keep checkpoints, so it is supposed to be run, after a certain amount of time has passed. Ideally this can be run every hour or day, to convert NetLogger data, to be available to the user using FTMA service.
Basic Idea behind this procedure, is to convert GridFTP logs from the schema, as is stored by NetLogger to a schema, defined at the start of this page. In order to do so we have two procedures, a master procedure called make_FTDB. This procedure handles the checkpoints, so that the script, starts, from the point, where it stopped on last execution. This procedure also calls the conversion procedure called build_FTDB, with eventID of the tuple to be converted. build_FTDB, picks up all the relevant attributes, from attr table and then inserts the values into EndPoints table, Metadata table, MetaEvent table and Data table. The procedure also creates table if they don't exsist.

Settings for bin/daemon.conf file

max_worker_lifetime      360
max_worker_processes     30
disable_echo     0
ls_registration_interval     60
<port 9000>
	<endpoint /perfSONAR_PS/services/FT/MA>
		service_type     MA
		module    perfSONAR_PS::Services::MA::FT
			service_description    FT MA
			service_accesspoint     http://localhost:9000/perfSONAR_PS/services/FT/MA
			enable_registration     0
			service_name    perfSONAR_PS FT MA
			ls_registration_interval     60
			service_timeout     360
			query_size_limit     100
                        db_host     localhost
                        db_username     root
                        db_name     ft_ma
                        db_password   ****
			db_type     mysql

How to run the Service:

* cd contrib
* sh \--skip-input || \--help
    • Attempts to install the missing, perl modules.
    • Stops any previous running instance of the service.
    • Creates a backup of any existing log file.
    • Everytime the script executes, it copies the log file from the main log directory to an hourlyfolder in the same directory. The folder is named as: Ftp_MM-DD-YY:HH
    • Starts a new Instance of the service by running

Client Application:

The service includes a client tool to do some preliminary testing. This tool is present inside the bin dir as well.

  • perl

This simple execution will fetch all the metadata from the service, and provide the user with a final output showing all the metadata keys mapped on source and destination ip addresses.

  • perl --help
    -d Switch to debug level, one of 0,1 or 2
    --debug Same as -d
    --url Url to the MA Service(FT)
    default is localhost
    --data Output Data as well
    --src source ip (string)
    --dst destination ip (string)
    --SrcPath metadata param: Source file path(string)
    --DestPath metadata param: Destination file path(string)
    --stripes metadata param: number of stripes
    --buffer metadata param: bufer size
    --block metadata param: block size
    --streams metadata param: number of streams
    --program metadata param: program used for file transfer
    --user metadata param: user, who requested the file transfer
    --initEpochTime initial Time limit in Epoch (integer)
    --finalEpochTime Final Time limit in Epoch (integer)
    --initUtcTime initial Time limit in UTC (string)
    --finalUtcTime final Time limit in UTC (string)
    --startTuple start point of results to return
    --tupleLimit number of tuples to return
    -h Print this help
    --help Same as -h
  • perl -d --data --DestPath=/ --stripes=1 --src= --dst= --initEpochTime=1220000000 --finalEpochTime=1225408002

o This execution will fetch metadata where destination path, stripes, source ip address and destination ip address is defined by the parameters passed.
o The --data argument makes sure that the returned metadata is then used to fetch data with start time and end time within the given limitation.
o The -d argument provides the debug data as well.

  • -d 2 --data --stripes=1 --user=dang --startTuple=400 --tupleLimit=20
  • No labels