The goal is to develop a strategy to migrate all existing Glast projects from Maven1 to Maven2 is as unobtrusive a way as possible. The reasons to switch to maven2 are
- Support for maven1 is fading away
- Netbeans6, due to be released before end-of-year, has support for maven2 built-in (but not maven1)
- Maven2 has many improvements, including simpler dependency management
We will not be able to move all projects over-night, so we need a strategy for which order to move projects, and how projects which have moved can continue to co-exist with projects which have not moved. We will need to provide clear instructions to developers to allow them to move their projects.
We should start with some simple projects, like org-glast-groupmanager.
- We need to maintain the features we have in maven1, including
- Ability to check projects out and build them in Netbeans
- Ability to deploy projects using the built-in netbeans tomcat server (Netbeans deploy)
- Ability to use in-place deploy so that JSP pages can be edited and the effects seen immediately without the need to redeploy
- Ability to deploy projects from netbeans to the development (tomcat03) and production (tomcat*) tomcat servers.
- Ability for cruise-control to build projects. This should not be too hard since cruise-control has support for maven2
- Ability to deploy snapshots and releases to a central Glast maven2 repository
- Ability to deploy sites to http://glast-ground.slac.stanford.edu/docs
Possible additional features
- Right now there is a lot of boiler-plate code which has to be copied into each new Glast project. For freehep Mark set things up so their was a master project which other projects inherited from so that we didn't have to repeat the same information in each sub-project. A maven "archetype" for Glast projects might also be a good way to achieve this.
- Now that we have 12 tomcat servers it is difficult to remember which server each application should be deploy to. It would be nice to be able to do something like mvn -Dmode=prod tomcat:deploy and have the application automatically deploy to the correct location. This would require some type of custom maven plugin which would talk to the glastgen database.
For Developers
Developing Projects
Parent Repository
All projects have to specify in the pom file the repositories where to find the parent. So the following code is required in every project:
<repositories> <repository> <id>glast-maven2</id> <name>GLAST Maven 2 central repository</name> <url>http://glast-ground.slac.stanford.edu/maven2</url> </repository> <repository> <id>glast-maven2-snapshots</id> <name>GLAST Maven2 central SNAPSHOTS repository</name> <url>http://glast-ground.slac.stanford.edu/maven2/SNAPSHOTS</url> </repository> </repositories>
A jar project should inherit from org-glast-maven-jar-project; so in your pom add:
<parent> <groupId>glast</groupId> <artifactId>org-glast-maven-jar-project</artifactId> <version>1.2</version> </parent>
A jar project should inherit from org-glast-maven-war-project; so in your pom add:
<parent> <groupId>glast</groupId> <artifactId>org-glast-maven-war-project</artifactId> <version>1.2</version> </parent>
Final Name
The final name of the war file is to be set in the pom file as:
<build> <finalName>ServerMapping</finalName> </build>
This name is the name of the produced war file and it must be identical to the Application's context. It is also used by the Maven Tomcat Deploy plugin to find the production deployment server.
Source Location
Maven2 expects the source files to be located in src/main/webapp. Some of our projects have the source code in src/webapp. To tell maven2 to look in the latter location add the following to your pom file:
<build> <plugins> <plugin> <artifactId>maven-war-plugin</artifactId> <configuration> <warSourceDirectory>${basedir}/src/webapp</warSourceDirectory> </configuration> </plugin> </plugins> </build>
SCM Plugin
CVS repositories cannot be inherited by the parent pom, so each project will have to add the following lines to their pom file:
<scm> <connection>scm:cvs:pserver:anoncvs@glast-java.slac.stanford.edu:/cvs/java:${artifactId}</connection> <developerConnection>scm:cvs:ext:@glast-java.slac.stanford.edu:/cvs/java:${artifactId}</developerConnection> <url>http://www-glast.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/viewcvs/${artifactId}/?root=java</url> </scm>
Tomcat manager authentification
To be able to deploy to a tomcat server it is necessary to provide the manager's username and password. This can be done in a file called settings.xml located in your HOME\.m2 directory.
For GLAST you have to add the glastServer server element as shown below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <settings> <servers> <server> <id>glastServer</id> <username>glast</username> <password>GammaRay</password> </server> </servers> </settings>
Automatic version
To have the version number picked up automatically from the pom file add the following lines to web.xml
<context-param> <param-name> version </param-name> <param-value> ${pom.version} </param-value> </context-param>
and the following to the jsp:
Version: ${initParam.version}
List of Modules in javacvs
Current Projects
Module Name |
Converted |
In Hudson |
Comments |
Contact |
org-glast-maven-project |
max |
org-glast-maven-jar-project |
max |
org-glast-maven-jar-archetype |
max |
org-glast-maven-war-project |
max |
org-glast-maven-war-archetype |
max |
org-glast-maven-aida-project |
max |
org-glast-tomcat-deploy-maven-plugin |
max |
org-glast-base-web |
max |
org-glast-base-application |
max |
org-glast-servermapping |
max |
org-glast-groupmanager |
Unnecessary dependence on aidatld. Still on branch |
tony |
org-glast-dataportal-astro-model |
tony |
org-glast-datahandling-common |
tony |
org-glast-telemetry-trending |
max |
org-glast-telemetry-trending-web |
max |
org-glast-resources |
charlotte |
org-glast-runquality |
karen |
org-glast-historyprocessing |
karen |
org-glast-speakersbureau-web |
karen |
org-glast-latba-web |
dan k |
org-glast-dataportal-model |
Version 1.8 but depends on SNAPSHOTs |
tony |
org-glast-jobcontrol |
Version 1.8 |
tony |
org-glast-servermon-web |
max |
org-glast-dataportal-simpleskimmer |
Unnecessary dependence on aidatld |
tony |
org-glast-latcatalog-web |
roberto |
org-glast-shiftschedule-web |
charlotte |
org-glast-dataprocessing-web |
max |
org-glast-pipeline-client |
tony |
org-glast-commons-web |
max |
org-glast-datacat-client |
Version is 2.3.2 but depends on SNAPSHOTs. Test do not work |
dan |
org-glast-datacat-sp |
Version is 2.2.1, but depends on SNAPSHOTs |
dan |
org-glast-isoc-cfgwebbrowser |
jim |
org-glast-installer-gui |
tony |
org-glast-releasemanager |
tony |
TomcatConfigurationBuilder |
tony |
org-glast-dataportal-astro |
tony |
org-glast-reports-web |
max |
oracle |
tony |
org-glast-dataportal-history |
tony |
org-glast-dataportal-portal |
tony |
org-glast-asp-skimmer |
tony |
org-glast-dataportal-skimmer-fits |
tony |
org-glast-aspdataviewer-web |
roberto |
org-glast-dataportal-wired |
tony |
org-glast-skimmer-web |
tony |
org-glast-dataportal-xroot-gateway |
tony |
org-glast-dataqualitymonitoring |
max |
org-glast-dataqualitymonitoring-web |
max |
org-glast-systemtests-web |
max |
org-glast-dataserver-portal |
tony |
org-glast-cas-client-example |
tony |
org-glast-dataserver-web |
tony |
org-glast-cas-server |
tony |
org-glast-downloadmanager |
tony |
org-glast-confluence |
tony |
org-glast-countdown-clock |
tony |
org-glast-pipeline-server |
dan |
org-glast-pipeline-web |
tony |
org-glast-datacatalog-web |
tony |
org-silicondetecor-web |
karen |
org-glast-groupmanager-example |
tony |
tomcat |
tony |
org-glast-datacat-server |
crawler |
tony |
org-glast-fcwebview |
jim |
org-glast-isoc-mpwebview |
jim |
org-glast-telemetry-apidstats |
jim, steve |
org-glast-telemetry-monitor-web |
jim, steve |
org-glast-telemetry-rtdisplay-web |
jim, steve |
org-glast-tld-timeline |
jim, steve |
Unknown Projects
These should be either upgraded to current projects or demoted to obsolete.
Module Name |
Converted |
In Hudson |
Comments |
Contact |
org-glast-fcmonitor |
Obsolete? |
bryson |
org-glast-isoc-common |
steve |
org-glast-logging |
Is this a duplicate of org-glast-isoc-logging? |
steve |
org-glast-isoc-logging |
steve, jim, max |
org-glast-calibrationtrending |
Obsolete |
max |
org-glast-calibrationtrending-web |
Obsolete |
max |
org-glast-mc-requests |
org-glast-clock |
org-glast-util-grep |
tony |
org-glast-visitor-web |
tony |
org-glast-dataflow-web |
org-glast-glossary |
org-glast-elog-base |
org-glast-monitor |
org-glast-elog-web |
Obsolete Projects
They will be moved to a different directory (obsolete) in the cvs repository.
Module Name |
Converted |
In Hudson |
Comments |
Contact |
org-glast-fcwebview-portlet |
Obsolete |
max |
org-glast-portlet |
Obsolete |
max |
org-glast-portlet-base |
Obsolete |
max |
org.glast.portlet |
Obsolete |
max |
org-glast-portlets |
Obsolete |
max |
org-glast-skeleton-portlet |
Obsolete |
max |
org-glast-portal-theme |
Obsolete |
max |
org-glast-grbmonitoring-web |
Obsolete |
roberto |
org-glast-asdc-sourceviewer |
Obsolete |
roberto |
org-glast-asp-sourceviewer |
Obsolete |
roberto |
datacatalog-web |
Obsolete |
tony |
org-glast-datamonitoring |
Obsolete |
max |
org-glast-web-base-application |
Obsolete |
max |
org-glast-datamonitoring-web |
Obsolete |
max |
org-glast-trendable-db |
Obsolete |
max |
org-glast-pipeline-log |
Obsolete |
tony |
org-glast-pipeline-xml |
Obsolete |
tony |
org-glast-pipeline-core |
Obsolete |
tony |
org-glast-batch |
Obsolete |
tony |
org-glast-telemetry-trends |
Obsolete |
max |
org-glast-sourcemonitoring |
Obsolete |
max |
org-glast-sourcemonitoring-web |
Obsolete |
max |
org-glast-maven-web-project |
Obsolete |
max |
org-glast-fastmonitoring |
Obsolete |
max |
org-glast-fastmonitoring-web |
Obsolete |
max |
org-glast-maven-plugin-parent |
Obsolete |
matt |
org-glast-maven-xmlbeans-plugin |
Obsolete |
matt |
org-glast |
Obsolete |
matt |
org.glast.test |
Obsolete |
matt |
org-glast-hello |
Obsolete |
matt |
org-glast-profile |
Obsolete |
matt |
org-glast-common |
Obsolete |
matt |
org-glast-runquality-web |
Obsolete |
karen |
org-glast-historyprocessing-web |
Obsolete |
karen |