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EngineeringModel v5r0608p4

xmlGeoDbs v1r22p7
Leon Rochester and Anders Borgland
Address JIRA
Add support for 10, 12, 14 towers and 8 tower plus ACD configurations.

GlastSvc v9r13p1
Leon Rochester
Addresses JIRA, where non-zero alignment constants sometimes caused non-physical strip numbers to be generated.

RootIo v15r8p1em4
Heather Kelly
Minor fix (one line) for windows, add explicit return of Gaudi StatusCode. Also modifies the default file split size from 25 GB to 500 GB.

CalXtalResponse v0r6p6
Zach Fewtrell
Fixed bug in mixed diode XtalDigi that had bad position estimates for diode deposit hits (CsI hits were fine).
Fixed a minor bug in recent CalTuple code (bad var init). The bad code was so young that it never made it into a tagged EM or GR release, so net bugfixes for EM & GR tags is just 1.
RECALIBRATION: ideal mode flight noise & LAC thresholds have been updated to better approximate expected flight noise levels.

TkrUtil v3r4p1
Leon Rochester
Fix for JIRA
The default nominal constants have been adjusted to match the average for Tkr A and B. The constant fCPerMip has been changed to 5.0, to match the value used by Hiro in generating the ToT constants. The constant MeVPerMip has been changed from 0.155 to 0.113. Was using the mean energy, but should have been using the most probable value.

calibGenTKR v2r6p2
Hiro Tajima

Fix row and col definition of tower. Add several plots to monitor
tot fit parameters.

ldfReader v2r4p2
Heather Kelly
Fix for JIRA, where the log messages contained only the 17 bit event sequence rather than the new 32 bit event number.

LdfConverter v1r14
Heather Kelly
In response to JIRA, adds a check to LdfCalDigiCnv for all four readouts in ALLRANGE mode.

HepRepCorba v1r6
Riccardo Giannitrapani
Addresses JIRA

calibUtil v1r5p1
Joanne Bogart

Addresses JIRA Lay groundwork for insert-latest and
supersede functions in rdbGUI.

rdbModel v2r2p2
Joanne Bogart

Addresses JIRA Lay groundwork for insert-latest and
supersede functions in rdbGUI.

RootIo v15r8p1em4
Heather Kelly
Minor patch (change one constant) to modify the default file split size from 25 GB to 500 GB as requested by I&T.

calibGenCAL v3r7p2
Zach Fewtrell

ciFit & runMuTrigEff will now accept CI files w/ any multiple of
nXtalsPerTower hits per event. i.e. they accept parallel
calibrations. Also runMuTrigEff will intelligently skip the 'scan
events' which are sometimes intersperved w/ data events, & can
slightly mess up the event numbering & binning
runSuiteParallel script added which runs ciFit, muonCalib, muTrig,
***, *** on a full set of parallel calibration
data. Also the C++ applications now expand more environment
variables in the config options file in order to support the
runSuiteParallel script.

LatIntegration v2r33
Anders Borgland
Contains new system tests (4,6 tower data + all_gamma MC)
Include writing CAL ntuple as the default in the jobOptions files.
Reduce TKR noise in jobOptions file for Monte Carlo runs, addresses JIRA TKR-18.

Code Versions

Engineering Model (sim/recon)v5r0608p4 **changed**

System Tests for this version

System Tests Result

FRED version


Pipeline tag


GRITS tag (web browsing and task configuration)

glast-ground v0r3p7
grits-gino-web version 0.55 (v0r5p5)
grits-gino version 0.95 (v0r9p5)
grits-gino-xml version 1.42 (v1r4p2)
grits-common version 0.32 (v0r3p2)

online/svac (task defs, scripts):

pipeline tasks:

online: v2r3p0

svac pipeline code and tasks:

code/tasks v3r2p0

ISOC code and tasks:


Apps that run in pipeline:

eLog: v2r2p7
ConfigTables: v3r1p4
TestReport: v3r2p7 (digi & recon reports)
EngineeringModelRoot: v1r3p19(SVAC tuple)


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