Directory Structure
Upon initial checkout, the GRITS project has the following directory layout. A few hidden files related to the Eclipse IDE have been omitted, as they are irrelevent to the current discussion. build.xml resin.xml lib/ src/
The lib/ directory contains jar files needed for building and running grits. The lib/build/ directory contains all of the jar files required to compile the grits Java source code. It is this colleciton of jars you'll want to put on the CLASSPATH for whatever IDE you are using.
lib/build/*.jar lib/runtime/hibernate/*.jar lib/runtime/webwork/*.jar
The src/ directory contains all of the source code, including the Java source code, the JSP files, configuration files and deployment descriptors.
src/config/db/ src/config/middlegen/ src/java/ src/test/ src/webapp/
The Java source code lives in src/java/, while the JUnit tests for this source code lives in src/test/. The web application itseld lives in src/webapp and has the standard directory structure for a J2EE container.