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  • Set and status planning activities for detector development and deployment.

Discussion items

30 minStatusAll
  • ePixM Phase II was approved at PEC on Friday, re-planned to deliver working prototype for downselect vs. VFCCD in late 2020.
  • 1 in-air and 4 thick-Si MEC quads also approved. Need a kickoff meeting and probably a little more hands-on than first article(?)
  • Peter Denes visiting tomorrow to discuss SXR imager requirements:
      • 50um pixel pitch
      •  15e- rms read noise
      • 5kHz frame rate or greater
      • 512x512-class pixel format, to be tileable to 1Mp-class with >90% fill factor.   Buildup from smaller 4-side buttable modules is acceptable. 
      • 1000 photon well capacity @1.5keV 530eV
      • >90% 70% QE at 277-1.5keV 
      • High Vacuum compatible (10e-9T)
      • Compatible with 2m electronics cabling and cooling hoses to allow in-chamber articulation.
      • Compact packaging for mounting within q-RIXS vacuum chamber (dimensions to be specified, but like iVFCCD concept))
      •  Visible-blind to laser pump background.
  • Decide ASC electrical after move-in costs known
  • Rebar scan complete, anchors set(?)
  • Status JF 4M effort. 4pm meeting today....
  • Update > Status RIXS-CCD test planning
    • Masks not here yet, checking with Sallie.
    • Ground issues resolved from first test?
    • Late March slips to mid-April??
    • Do first test at SSRL to decouple from ASC sked??
  • MEC EMP testing CSPAD/ePix Date TBD
  • PH gone first week April
  • KN Wave8 upgrade for FIM CDR one fine day
  • ePix10k requires new MPODS, working issue
  • Laser SoP moving forward...set up so no laser glasses necessary...administrative controls OK
  • eGun interlock doc (2wk.)
  • Lost cabinets were not delivered....(2wks)
  • KZ: ASC metro technicians are tied up. Scanning today.
  • Sean and Gibson are scanning. Hole patterns to be marked Wednesday. Drilling/Anchors Th/Fri.
  • Working with LeRoy
  • Status documentation/procedures effort
  • How many fibers do we have to run to B84?? Work with Jana to tell Mark Foster (2wk)
5 minBudget Updatemmck
  • ASC: $191k spent, $62k remains
  • Ops: $233k spent, $925k remains (Feb Actuals, incl. I&D, detector research, mgmt.), $28k under plan
15 minReview ASC First Projectsall

Coordinate/update lab schedule

10 minAny other business  

Action items

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