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Apr 4, 2017


  • vivado hls:  C-style programming done
  • matlab is next


  • filtering with ipimb
  • mike kozina expt analysis (hoffman expt) to test filtering


  • indexing selenium, in progress
  • jungfrau: 8kHz @4MegaPixel now, with 16 images depth
  • epix: 25kHz in 2019, @2MegaPixel
  • vfccd: 5kHz @4MegaPixel


  • working with meng


  • sz
  • save for a day


  • data in and out of pgp

Mar 28, 2017


  • still working on compiling hello-world
  • still working on sxrk4816 with clemens


  • cleaning up ring analysis
  • get a t0 difference-image and talk with Tim
  • think about ipimb filtering


  • student (zhen) working on 1% SZ error on selenium sad
  • hao-yuan working on wavelet for SPI, feels messy (throws away photons) leaning towards binning


  • working on distributing PGP events


  • explore the idea of keeping the data for a day

Mar 14, 2017


  • zhenglin results
  • upcoming meetings with users


  • working sxrk4816 analysis
  • continuing to work on FPGAs


  • working on cxif5315 analysis
  • ask meng if hit-finding will work for her experiment for DRP


  • added vectorized KNL code
  • added silke's pyfai GPU measurements
  • working with Dan/Jack on handing out 
  • how does NVME buffering work


  • beam centering: hough, ransac, scipy optimize 1-ring fitting
  • canny uses soble filter
  • looked at skbeam.  canny works better.
  • hough transform took optimizing

Mar 7, 2017


  • playing around with SZ.  difficult because doesn't integrate into python.
  • simulated SZ by adding 1% error
  • sees common mode shift.  surprising, not understood
  • indexing rate is 98% similar.  looks promising


  • fiber diffraction


  • committed spatial example to drp eval
  • looking at effect of SZ on georgi's expt
  • maybe work with clemens on sxrk4816
  • mtg with Ryan Herbst on Mar 8


  • zhenglin doing the legion peak-finder
  • cuda peak-finding looks worse than cpu
  • zhenglin will send out updated results


  • finished pyfai
  • working on center-finder
    • some people want to run center-finder multiple times during the run
    • looking at the hough transform in skimage (needs a boolean)
    • hough transform is SLOW.  working on it.
  • difficulty with conda and interactive plotting


  • integrating silke's pyfai numbers from gpu onto his plots
  • will work on legion
  • next project:  work on the infrastructure for handing out events to different cores

Feb 28, 2017


  • looked at skbeam centering algorithm
  • sz compression


  • try SZ compression on some XPP/XCS datasets


  • try SZ compression on some SXR/AMO dataset (works trivially with georgi's dataset)
  • spatial FPGA code working


  • angular integrations: background is not symmetric (scattering from masks etc).  take difference of t0 (no signal) and later data (with signal) and that is symmetric and allows determination of beam center.  beam centers changes every half-hour so calibrations would have to be quick.
  • have results for CPU/KNL
  • found benchmark of EPICS common-mode correction, found performance problem in ndarray.
  • looked at intel vtune


  • wavelet stuff takes 3ms on 250x250 image with pywt
  • visually physics results look OK


  • working with legion people on gpu-based two-threshold lag

Feb 21, 2017


  • working on spatial.  good progress


  • found slowdown for python bin count:  memory copy due to bad types
  • went through nersc presentation slides
  • need to use the fast local ram on knl
  • to do: how much does it cost to get 10GB/s through a node?
  • working with timbvd on beam-position centering
  • why is it hard to do in angular integrations in real-time?  detector corrections


  • working on sz from argonne
  • difficulty running examples, but fixed
  • only runs on floats
  • timing measurements for sz
  • automatic centering algorithm in skbeam/xicam/silke's huff algorithm


  • away at LBL xtallography workshop:  pessimistic about drp
    • unit-cell not known
    • bad pixels, which change over time (good enough, but room for improvement in our dark runs)
      • compare bad-pixel maps from super-users to dark-run results
    • geometry
  • python scaling problem work
  • students look at pywavelets:  zero-pads for performance reasons

Feb 14, 2017


  • Tried SPI wavelet compression: 4x (on top of a 4x binned image)
  • quantifying the error at goal: 3Angstrom resolution (currently 9nm)


  • looking at igor/matt compression
  • much faster than gzip, but limit is 2x compression
  • igor used multi-threading, matt did not
  • to do: enter igor stuff in spreadsheet, work on argonne package


  • work on pyfai
  • ran on  gpu102
  • compared with henrik bincount method
  • csr ocl is 4x as fast 1x henrik code, their numpy version is very slow (30x slower than henrik's)
  • turn it into a metric (standardize on 1024x1024 single-precision "bincount" method, if pyfai will do that)


  • benchmarking phi
  • python is 8x worse than C
  • to do: test at SLAC and test with matrix multiply
  • to do: run all corrections and see if we can get 10GB/s


  • running spatial builds

Feb 7, 2017

possible users to contact:

  • nora berrah
  • dan higley
  • mankowsky
  • urs staub (elsa abreu)
  • marcus kubin (slow andor)
  • emmanuel jal
  • sam vinko
  • christoph bostedt

to do:

  • finishing populating list
  • will work on algorithms or data transfer
  • come up with examples where we need shot-by-shot position measurements with a reticle

cases where people rerun analysis:

  • some people reran roi's 3 months after
  • some people had a crappy detector and had to rerun analysis

possible users to contact:

  • timbvd
  • mike kozina
  • reis / mariano
  • henrik
  • ulvestad
  • marco

to do: will work on algorithms or data transfer


  • szip (proprietary)
  • lzf+shuffle (1.5 for calibrated, 1.7 for raw)
  • shuffle (5%-20%)
  • best: gzip with shuffle (2.2 for calibrated)
  • wait on SZ compressor results
  • look at igor algorithm
  • picking a feature-extraction


  • comparing python/C++: still working on it
  • zmq/mpi/gasnet
  • gasnet: 3 year old python bindings
  • setup mtg with elliott/wonchan?
  • talk with DAQ about DRP re-configuration

Jan 27, 2017


  • henrik algorithm
  • filipe maia algorithm
  • running on gpus/knl
  • evaluate compression package from argonne that amedeo will send out


  • why only 10GB/s with bincount?
  • why c++ 10x faster?
  • scaling plot with cores


  • understand required info for each expt (talk to timbvd about real-time angular integration difficulties)


  • populate amo/sxr 2016 table like Silke


  • evaluate pyfai
  • work on gpu peakfinding with legion with zhenglin
  • purchase knl/gpu/nvme boxes
  • No labels