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Implementation of algorithms

pyimgalgos/src/  self-documentation



Triclinic crystal cell parameters

               / \        / \
              /   \      /   \
             /     \ gamma    \
            /       *----------*
           /       /  /       /
          /alpha  /  /       /
         *-------/--*       c
          \     /    \beta /
           a   /      \   /
            \ /        \ /
  a = 18.36 A
  b = 26.65 A
  c = 4.81 A
  alpha = 90.00 deg
  beta  = 90.00 deg
  gamma = 102.83 deg

See: Crystal structure, Bravais lattice, Crystal system, Primitive cell, Lattice constant

3-d space primitive vectors

  a1 = (18.36, 0.0, 0.0)
  a2 = (5.917873795354449, 25.984635262829016, 0.0)
  a3 = (0.0, 0.0, 4.81)

Reciprocal space primitive vectors

See: Reciprocal lattice, Surface diffraction, Miller index

  b1 = [ 0.05446623  0.01240442  0.        ]
  b2 = [ 0.          0.03848428  0.        ]
  b3 = [ 0.          0.          0.20790021]


Table of lattice nodes sorted by radius

2-d case                3-d case
( h, k) R(h,k)[1/A]     ( h, k, l) R(h,k,l)[1/A]
___________________     ________________________
( 0, 0) 0.0000          ( 0, 0, 0) 0.0000
( 0, 1) 0.0385          ( 0, 1, 0) 0.0385
( 1, 0) 0.0559          ( 1, 0, 0) 0.0559
(-1, 1) 0.0604          (-1, 1, 0) 0.0604
( 1, 1) 0.0745          ( 1, 1, 0) 0.0745
( 0, 2) 0.0770          ( 0, 2, 0) 0.0770
(-1, 2) 0.0845          (-1, 2, 0) 0.0845
( 1, 2) 0.1047          ( 1, 2, 0) 0.1047
(-2, 1) 0.1098          (-2, 1, 0) 0.1098
( 2, 0) 0.1117          ( 2, 0, 0) 0.1117
( 0, 3) 0.1155          ( 0, 3, 0) 0.1155
(-1, 3) 0.1166          (-1, 3, 0) 0.1166
(-2, 2) 0.1208          (-2, 2, 0) 0.1208
( 2, 1) 0.1260          ( 2, 1, 0) 0.1260
( 1, 3) 0.1390          ( 1, 3, 0) 0.1390
(-2, 3) 0.1417          (-2, 3, 0) 0.1417
( 2, 2) 0.1491          ( 2, 2, 0) 0.1491
(-1, 4) 0.1517          (-1, 4, 0) 0.1517
( 0, 4) 0.1539          ( 0, 4, 0) 0.1539
(-3, 1) 0.1634          (-3, 1, 0) 0.1634
( 3, 0) 0.1676          ( 3, 0, 0) 0.1676
(-3, 2) 0.1682          (-3, 2, 0) 0.1682
(-2, 4) 0.1689          (-2, 4, 0) 0.1689
( 1, 4) 0.1750          ( 1, 4, 0) 0.1750
( 2, 3) 0.1776          ( 2, 3, 0) 0.1776
( 3, 1) 0.1801          ( 3, 1, 0) 0.1801
(-3, 3) 0.1812          (-3, 3, 0) 0.1812
(-1, 5) 0.1881          (-1, 5, 0) 0.1881
( 0, 5) 0.1924          ( 0, 5, 0) 0.1924
( 3, 2) 0.1993          ( 3, 2, 0) 0.1993
(-2, 5) 0.1999          (-2, 5, 0) 0.1999
(-3, 4) 0.2008          (-3, 4, 0) 0.2008
( 2, 4) 0.2093          ( 0, 0, 1) 0.2079 1st contributing index with l=1
( 1, 5) 0.2119          ( 2, 4, 0) 0.2093
(-4, 1) 0.2181          ( 0, 1, 1) 0.2114
(-4, 2) 0.2196          ( 1, 5, 0) 0.2119
( 4, 0) 0.2234          ( 1, 0, 1) 0.2153
( 3, 3) 0.2236          (-1, 1, 1) 0.2165
(-3, 5) 0.2254          (-4, 1, 0) 0.2181
(-4, 3) 0.2276          (-4, 2, 0) 0.2196
( 4, 1) 0.2350          ( 1, 1, 1) 0.2209
(-4, 4) 0.2416          ( 0, 2, 1) 0.2217
( 2, 5) 0.2430          ( 4, 0, 0) 0.2234
( 3, 4) 0.2515          ( 3, 3, 0) 0.2236
( 4, 2) 0.2520          (-1, 2, 1) 0.2244
(-4, 5) 0.2605          (-3, 5, 0) 0.2254
(-5, 2) 0.2727          (-4, 3, 0) 0.2276
( 4, 3) 0.2733          ( 1, 2, 1) 0.2328
(-5, 1) 0.2733          ( 4, 1, 0) 0.2350
(-5, 3) 0.2775          (-2, 1, 1) 0.2351
( 5, 0) 0.2793          ( 2, 0, 1) 0.2360
( 3, 5) 0.2818          ( 0, 3, 1) 0.2378
(-5, 4) 0.2874          (-1, 3, 1) 0.2383
( 5, 1) 0.2903          (-2, 2, 1) 0.2404
( 4, 4) 0.2982          (-4, 4, 0) 0.2416
(-5, 5) 0.3019          ( 2, 5, 0) 0.2430
( 5, 2) 0.3057          ( 2, 1, 1) 0.2431
( 5, 3) 0.3251          ( 1, 3, 1) 0.2501
( 4, 5) 0.3257          ( 3, 4, 0) 0.2515
( 5, 4) 0.3476          (-2, 3, 1) 0.2516
( 5, 5) 0.3727          ( 4, 2, 0) 0.2520


Run 169 photon energy

See: PDG-2014

photon energy = 6003.1936 eV
wavelength = 2.0653 A
wave number/Evald radius k = 1/lambda = 0.484187 1/A

Lookup table generator

def make_lookup_table(b1 = (1.,0.,0.), b2 = (0.,1.,0.), b3 = (0.,0.,1.),\
                      hmax=3, kmax=2, lmax=1, cdtype=np.float32,\
                      evald_rad=3, sigma_q=0.001, fout=None, bpq=None, bpomega=None, bpbeta=None) :
    """Makes lookup table - peak information as a function of angle beta and omega, where
       beta  [deg] - fiber axis tilt,  
       omega [deg] - fiber rotation around axis,  
       For each crysal orientation (beta, gamma) lookup table contains info about lattice nodes
       closest to the Evald's sphere: 
       # beta 20.00  omega 178.50 degree
       # index   beta     omega   h  k  l     dr [1/A]   R(h,k,l)   qv [1/A]   qh [1/A]   P(omega)
         1078    20.00   178.50   1 -5  0     0.000262   0.211944  -0.016779   0.211221   0.964192
         1078    20.00   178.50   0 -1  0     0.002470   0.038484   0.000343   0.038306   0.038686
         1078    20.00   178.50   0  1  0     0.000582   0.038484  -0.000344  -0.038455   0.834544

       index - orientation index (just an unique integer number)
       beta, omega [deg] - crystal orientation angles,
       h, k, l - Miller indeces
       dr [1/A] - distance between lattice node and Evald's sphere
       R(h,k,l) [1/A] - distance between nodes (h,k,l) and (0,0,0)
       qv, qh [1/A] - vertical and horizontal components of scattering vector q
       P(omega) - un-normalized probability (<1) evaluated for dr(omega) using sigma_q.

       File name is generated automatically with current time stamp like

       Input parameters:
       b1, b2, b3 - reciprocal lattice primitive vectors,
       hmax, kmax, lmax - lattice node indeces
       cdtype - data type for lattice node coordinates,
       evald_rad - Evald's sphere radius,
       sigma_q - expected q resolution,
       fout - open output file object,
       bpq, bpomega, bpbeta - binning parameters for q, omega, and beta
       NOTE: Units of b1, b2, b3, evald_rad, and sigma_q should be the same, for example [1/A].

       Returns 2-d numpy array for image; summed for all beta probobility(omega vs. q_horizontal).


Lookup table content


# file name: lut-cxif5315-r0169-2015-10-23T16:03:06.txt

# Triclinic crystal cell parameters:
#   a = 18.36 A
#   b = 26.65 A
#   c = 4.81 A
#   alpha = 90.00 deg
#   beta  = 90.00 deg
#   gamma = 102.83 deg

# 3-d space primitive vectors:
#   a1 = (18.36, 0.0, 0.0)
#   a2 = (5.917873795354449, 25.984635262829016, 0.0)
#   a3 = (0.0, 0.0, 4.81)

# reciprocal space primitive vectors:
#   b1 = [ 0.05446623 -0.01240442  0.        ]
#   b2 = [ 0.          0.03848428  0.        ]
#   b3 = [ 0.          0.          0.20790021]

# photon energy = 6003.1936 eV
# wavelength = 2.0653 A
# wave number/Evald radius k = 1/lambda = 0.484187 1/A
# sigma_q   = 0.000484 1/A (approximately pixel size/sample-to-detector distance = 100um/100mm)
# 3*sigma_q = 0.001453 1/A



# beta 20.00  omega 170.50 degree
# index   beta     omega   h  k  l     dr [1/A]   R(h,k,l)   qv [1/A]   qh [1/A]   P(omega)
  1062    20.00   170.50   0  4  0     0.000595   0.153937  -0.008679  -0.153596   0.469484

# beta 20.00  omega 171.00 degree EMPTY
# beta 20.00  omega 171.50 degree EMPTY
# beta 20.00  omega 172.00 degree
# index   beta     omega   h  k  l     dr [1/A]   R(h,k,l)   qv [1/A]   qh [1/A]   P(omega)
  1065    20.00   172.00   0  3  0    -0.001336   0.115453  -0.005511  -0.115473   0.022208

# beta 20.00  omega 172.50 degree
# index   beta     omega   h  k  l     dr [1/A]   R(h,k,l)   qv [1/A]   qh [1/A]   P(omega)
  1066    20.00   172.50   1 -4  0     0.001294   0.175032  -0.011014   0.174446   0.028162
  1066    20.00   172.50   0  3  0    -0.000396   0.115453  -0.005158  -0.115384   0.715354



Constant fiber tilt angle β = 15°

Superposition of tilt angles β = 5, 25°

Comparison of these images show that tiny difference (doubled peaks for β = 5, 25°) is observed for large values of |qh|. 

Comparison of data with triclinic lattice prediction

Re-tune geometry

Left- and right-hand side aro not quite symmetric. Re-tune geometry Geometry re-alignment

The same plots for 2015-11-06 geometry:


Now data peaks look symmetric relative to the center of image, but predicted peaks are misaligned relative to data.

Re-rune lattice parameters

Measurement of peak radial parameters. Two dash-curve circles have radial parameters 100 and 300 pixels, respectively.

Radial parameters of the brightest peaks/rings

R (pix)h,kR-RatioqH (1/Å)
71.4 0,11
104.7 1,01.466
330.1 4.622 
400.4 5.608 
438.7 6.144 
626.1 8.769 
784.6 10.989 

The three peaks with smallest radial parameters gives gamma = 101.53°.

Evaluated lattice parameters:

# Triclinic crystal cell parameters:
#   a = 18.55 A
#   b = 27.19 A
#   c = 4.86 A
#   gamma = 78.47 deg   or 101.53

# 3-d space primitive vectors:
#   a1 = (18.55, 0.0, 0.0)
#   a2 = (-5.435623727109098, 26.645523961582906, 0.0)
#   a3 = (0.0, 0.0, 4.8601)

# reciprocal space primitive vectors:
#   b1 = [ 0.05390836  0.01099718 -0.        ]
#   b2 = [ 0.          0.03752976  0.        ]
#   b3 = [ 0.         -0.          0.20575708]


Table of lattice node parameters sorted by radius

( h, k) R(h,k)[1/A]
( 0, 0) 0.0000
( 0, 1) 0.0375 cut
( 1, 0) 0.0550 *
(-1, 1) 0.0601 *
( 1, 1) 0.0725 
( 0, 2) 0.0751
(-1, 2) 0.0837 *
( 1, 2) 0.1015
(-2, 1) 0.1089 +
( 2, 0) 0.1100 +
( 0, 3) 0.1126
(-1, 3) 0.1150
(-2, 2) 0.1202
( 2, 1) 0.1232
( 1, 3) 0.1348
(-2, 3) 0.1408
( 2, 2) 0.1451
(-1, 4) 0.1492
( 0, 4) 0.1501
(-3, 1) 0.1618
( 3, 0) 0.1651
(-3, 2) 0.1671
(-2, 4) 0.1675
( 1, 4) 0.1699
( 2, 3) 0.1724
( 3, 1) 0.1764
(-3, 3) 0.1803
(-1, 5) 0.1847
( 0, 5) 0.1876
( 3, 2) 0.1945
(-2, 5) 0.1977
(-3, 4) 0.1997
( 2, 4) 0.2031
( 1, 5) 0.2058
(-4, 1) 0.2157
( 3, 3) 0.2176
(-4, 2) 0.2179
( 4, 0) 0.2201
(-1, 6) 0.2209
(-3, 5) 0.2238
( 0, 6) 0.2252
(-4, 3) 0.2263

Indexing optimization

Optimization parameters

  • sigma_q - in lookup table, works for omega; fraction of the wave number from 0.001 to 0.003
  • sigma_q - in record processing, works for dq = r(node) - r(Evald); 1/A
  • range of omega angle, ex: 0-180, 360 - stands for 360 points in the range from 0 to 180°
  • range(s) of beta angle, usually used for two bands, small angles and symmetric with  +180° offset.

beta ranges from 0 to 30° and from 0 to -30° produces the same results.

Figure of merit

Total number of selected events  with ≥2 peaks 1915

Number of indexed events with ≥2 peaks, and distribution of events indexed with 1, 2, 3 peaks

Optimal parameters

  • sigma_q= 0.002 in both cases
  • range omega (0-180,360)
  • ranges beta (0-50,11) and (180-230,11)

In run 169 this look-up table yields in 1171 events indexed for ≥2 peaks


Image of the look-up table for low range of beta angles, superposition of low and high ranges, projection of the lookup table on q_h

Comparison of the look-up table and data (geometry and lattice parameters are re-tuned)


Script - loop over peaks in event and try to associate event peaks with a list of predicted for each crystal orientation. Most probable combination is saved in the file.

File record for event

There are three states for matching peaks in event indexing:

  1. MATCHED - peak is matched to predicted crystal node,
  2. PEAK-NM - peak in data is not matched with any of predicted nodes,

  3. NODE-NM - predicted crystal node is on Evald sphere, but peak in data is missing.

Event indexing table contains records for all peaks from data and for all predicted nodes from crystal orientation. Each record consists of three parts; status word, peak information, and orientation information. In case if orientation or peak information is missing it is replaced by zeros, like shown in example below.

  STATE phi-fit beta-fit   qh-fit    qv-fit  dqh[1/A]   Exp     Run  time(sec)   time(nsec) fiduc    Evnum  Reg  Seg  Row  Col  Npix      Amax      Atot   rcent   ccent rsigma  csigma rmin rmax cmin cmax    bkgd     rms     son  imrow   imcol     x[um]     y[um]     r[um]  phi[deg]   index    beta   omega   h   k   l   dr[1/A]  R(h,k,l)   qv[1/A]   qh[1/A]  P(omega)
NODE-NM   -7.98  -12.45  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 cxif5315  169  1424601179  232228024  105684   85184  N/A    0    0    0     0       0.0       0.0     0.0     0.0   0.00    0.00    0    0    0    0    0.00    0.00    0.00      0       0         0         0         0      0.00    230   180.00  114.50   3  -4   0  0.001658  0.199684  0.000000  0.199336  0.230902
PEAK-NM   -7.98  -12.45  0.083921  0.000014  0.000000 cxif5315  169  1424601179  232228024  105684   85184  EQU    1   72   44    31     220.9    1976.6    73.4    42.7   2.49    1.45   70   80   39   46   16.23   19.99   10.23    559     730     17471      2112     17598      6.89      0     0.00    0.00   0   0   0  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000
MATCHED   -7.98  -12.45  0.059485 -0.000022  0.000448 cxif5315  169  1424601179  232228024  105684   85184  EQU    1  119   39    59    1293.5   11106.4   119.0    39.5   1.69    1.50  112  125   36   45   17.81   31.87   40.03    564     683     12306      1551     12403      7.18    230   180.00  114.50   1  -1   0  0.001936  0.060084  0.000000  0.059933  0.135565
MATCHED   -7.98  -12.45 -0.166810 -0.000001  0.000288 cxif5315  169  1424601179  232228024  105684   85184  EQU   16  121  101    88     276.3    6888.4   120.0   103.1   2.52    2.93  115  127   98  110   39.18   36.32    6.53    637     247    -35645     -6412     36217   -169.80    230   180.00  114.50  -3   2   0  0.000051  0.167107  0.000000 -0.167098  0.998636

This information for all events goes in the file with name like peak-idx-cxif5315-r0169-2015-11-13T17:04:37.txt.

Result presenter


reads file obtained in previous section using

from pyimgalgos.TDFileContainer import TDFileContainer
from pyimgalgos.TDMatchRecord   import TDMatchRecord

and generates summary tables/images with results as listed below.

Crystal in h,k space

k   :       -6       -5       -4       -3       -2       -1        0        1        2        3        4        5        6 
h=-4:   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000 
h=-3:   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.0222   0.0618   0.0000   1.0000   0.0075   0.0680   0.0000   0.0000 
h=-2:   0.0000   0.0000   0.0156   0.0158   0.0013   0.0000   0.2334   0.6190   0.0272   0.0000   0.0078   0.3472   0.0000 
h=-1:   0.0000   0.0070   0.0395   0.0000   0.0023   0.0000   0.1424   0.2158   0.3511   0.0036   0.0273   0.0019   0.0000 
h= 0:   0.0000   0.0015   0.0131   0.0135   0.0031   0.0000   0.4409   0.0000   0.0290   0.0600   0.0389   0.0015   0.0000 
h= 1:   0.0000   0.0000   0.0319   0.0000   0.3228   0.1522   0.1187   0.0038   0.0000   0.0000   0.0173   0.0089   0.0000 
h= 2:   0.0000   0.3036   0.0131   0.0011   0.0043   0.5837   0.2267   0.0000   0.0039   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000 
h= 3:   0.0000   0.0000   0.0708   0.0049   0.7698   0.0000   0.0699   0.0172   0.0014   0.0035   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000 
h= 4:   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000







  • No labels