Versions Compared


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The xlong queue will kill your job after 177.6 hours of CPU time in "SLAC units"... which is about ~15 hours of real CPU time.
See all queues with "bqueues". You can see the the details of a queue with "bqueues -l xlong".
Note the "-R rhel40" above, which forces your job onto a machine compatible with the ATLAS releases (gcc34, RHEL4). It's "rhel50" for RHEL5 machines.
"bhosts -R rhel40" will show you which batch nodes are in that list.
"lsinfo -r" will show you all resourse lists, like the rhel40 one.
Check your batch jobs with "bjobs".


If you're running on the batch queue, you don't have access to outside afs however, so you need to use a local copy.:

Code Block
export ATLAS_POOLCOND_PATH="/u/at/ahaas/"

I have made a local poolcond directory in my home directory which has a PoolFileCatalog.xml file in it which points
to the conditions data on the xrootd hotdisk, as follows (you don't need to do this):

Code Block

#get a grid ticket first!
mkdir /u/at/ahaas/poolcond
cd /u/at/ahaas/poolcond
dq2-ls -P cmccond.*
dq2-ls -P comcond.*
dq2-ls -P oflcond.*
dq2-ls -P cond08_data.*
dq2-ls -P cond08_mc.*
dq2-ls -P cond09_mc.*
dq2-ls -P cond09_data.*
sed -i "s%srm://" PoolFileCatalog.xml

Unfortauntely, in current releases, there's a bug in CoolHistSvc, such that it can't read from xrootd.
To fix it:

Code Block

atladdpkg DetectorDescription/DetDescrCond/DetDescrCondTools
cd DetectorDescription/DetDescrCond/DetDescrCondTools/cmt
vi ../src/CoolHistSvc.cxx, change "tfile=new TFile" to "tfile=TFile::Open"

use DetectorDescription/DetDescrCond/DetDescrCondTools version DetDescrCondTools-00-03-04 (not tested)

You can also try using the conditions database here, which points to the same hotdisk files (thanks Wei):

Code Block

export ATLAS_POOLCOND_PATH="/nfs/slac/g/grid/osg/app/atlas_app/atlas_rel/local/conditions"



How to see what tags / conditions are in a database:

Code Block "COOLOFL_Indet/COMP200;readoracle"
>>> ls
>>> tracetags . COMCOND-ES1PST-001-00
>>> cd Indet
>>> ls
>>> listtags Align
>>> usetag InDetAlign-ES1-UPD1-00
>>> more Align

This will show you something like:

No Format

[0,0] - [91396,0] (230) [PoolRef (String4k) : [DB=202EC302-A585-DD11-9F25-0030487C8DC4][CNT=CollectionTreeAlignableTransform][CLID=E779C6B5-3F2A-473E-B35E-6CCB345E0665][TECH=00000202][OID=00000003-00000021]]
[91396,0] - [96686,0] (230) [PoolRef (String4k) : [DB=8A61369D-FD95-DD11-8D2E-0030487C8DC4][CNT=CollectionTreeAlignableTransform][CLID=E779C6B5-3F2A-473E-B35E-6CCB345E0665][TECH=00000202][OID=00000003-00000021]]
[96686,0] - [140050,0] (230) [PoolRef (String4k) : [DB=92BAC4F9-35B2-DD11-B20D-0030487C8DC4][CNT=CollectionTreeAlignableTransform][CLID=E779C6B5-3F2A-473E-B35E-6CCB345E0665][TECH=00000202][OID=00000003-00000021]]
[140050,0] - [142393,0] (230) [PoolRef (String4k) : [DB=74981861-8AD2-DE11-95BD-001CC466D3D3][CNT=CollectionTreeAlignableTransform][CLID=E779C6B5-3F2A-473E-B35E-6CCB345E0665][TECH=00000202][OID=00000003-00000021]]
[142393,0] - [145006,0] (230) [PoolRef (String4k) : [DB=ACBDD470-96E8-DE11-8575-001320A52E33][CNT=CollectionTreeAlignableTransform][CLID=E779C6B5-3F2A-473E-B35E-6CCB345E0665][TECH=00000202][OID=00000003-00000021]]
[145006,0] - [2147483647,4294967295] (230) [PoolRef (String4k) : [DB=88B921CA-EB05-DF11-ADF2-000423D59BB6][CNT=CollectionTreeAlignableTransform][CLID=E779C6B5-3F2A-473E-B35E-6CCB345E0665][TECH=00000202][OID=00000003-00000021]]

Wiki Markup
which is the POOL conditions file id for each IOV \[run,lumiblock\] range. You can check your log files to
make sure the right conditions file is being loaded in for each folder.


Please add tricks of your own!
