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As one can see in the steps given above, before the skimmer can proceed, it is collecting much information about the files to be skimmed, what they contain and what to extract. This is all tuned by some shell variables, and some of the information can come from a, an input ROOT CEL file (which will not be documented in this guidedocumented elsewhere) or from some textual parameter files, which are often meant to be the textual equivalent flavor of the different subparts of a ROOT CEL.

All those kinds of parameter files can contain any number of empty lines and comments starting with "#". The lines starting with "#!" are called special comments. The first special comment in any parameter file should be about express the global file format release, currently "CEL TXT 0.1". The second special comment should of the form "SECTION <name>", where <name> depends on the kind of information in the rest of the file. For example, if the file contain the list of input data files, <name> will be "Files". Several examples will be given below.

One will find below the description of the parameter files and shell variables which are meaningfull for a skimmer job.
Worth to note, for each of the official skimming step given previously, there is a SK_DEBUG_* variable which can trigger the display of additionnal information about that specific step. Let's know now see the details of each step.


  1. From a CompositeEventList : if a CEL file is given as input to the skimmer, and defined with variable SK_INPUT_CEL.
  2. From a textual parameter file made by the user : the format is given below, and the path of the parameter file path is given thanks to is the value of the variable SK_INPUT_FILE_LIST.
  3. From the Pipeline I Oracle Database : if the data to be skimmed has been generated with the Pipeline I, one must can define SK_INPUT_TASK.
    One and only one of those three variables must be non-null.

In the case of Pipeline I products, SK_INPUT_TASK is enough and should be any of the tasks recognized by the Pipeline I Oracle Database. On top of that, one can select a subset of the task runs through the shell variables SK_RUN_MIN and SK_RUN_MAX. If the value of SK_RUN_MAX is set to 0, all the runs will be taken into consideration.

In the case of a textual parameter file made written by the user, it must conform to the usual rules for the skimmer parameter files : the header is made of a first special comment which recall express the global file format release (#! CEL TXT 0.1), and followed by a special comment which declare that what follows is a list of files (express the section name (#! SECTION Files). Then, each line of the file is the full path of an input ROOT file, eventually prefixed by the data types of the trees within the file. For example :
