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I have made a local poolcond directory in my home directory which has a PoolFileCatalog.xml file in it which points
to the conditions data on the xrootd hotdisk, as follows (you don't need to do this):

Code Block
#get a grid ticket first!
mkdir /u/at/ahaas/poolcond
cd /u/at/ahaas/poolcond
dq2-ls -P cmccond.*
dq2-ls -P comcond.*
dq2-ls -P oflcond.*
dq2-ls -P cond08_data.*
dq2-ls -P cond08_mc.*
dq2-ls -P cond09_mc.*
dq2-ls -P cond09_data.*
sed -i "s%srm://" PoolFileCatalog.xml

Unfortauntely, in current releases, there's a bug in CoolHistSvc, such that it can't read from xrootd.
To fix it:

Code Block

atladdpkg DetectorDescription/DetDescrCond/DetDescrCondTools
cd DetectorDescription/DetDescrCond/DetDescrCondTools/cmt
vi ../src/CoolHistSvc.cxx, change "tfile=new TFile" to "tfile=TFile::Open"

