Versions Compared


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You can now run lcsim from the command-line using the java command.

No Format
java -server -jar ./target/lib/lcsim-[VERSION].jar [XML]

The VERSION is replaced by your lcsim build version. And XML is a file in the lcsim recon XML format.

No Format
java -server -jar ./target/lib/lcsim-1.11-SNAPSHOT.jar ./myJob.xml


We're ready to run this version of lcsim. This step requires java 1.5 or greater to be installed and accessible from your command terminal.

No Format
java -server -jar ./lib/lcsim-1.4.jar ./myJob.xml

Each release is also tagged in the cvs, like lcsim-1_4, so checking it out and rebuilding yourself is another possibility. (Not covered here.)