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Here's a bunch of random tricks I use, some SLAC-related, but many are general to ATLAS.


Code Block

If you use "konsole" as your terminal, you can make new tabs, and switch tabs with:

Code Block

<shift>+<left arrow> or <shift>+<right arrow>


VNC lets you keep open a virtual desktop on a machine, and connect to it remotely. To start a desktop on a machine:

Code Block

vncserver #there are various options for desktop size, etc., like "-geometry 1600x1200"
#vncserver -h (gives a full list of options)

To start a normal KDE session, edit your .vnc/xstartup file and add "startkde":

Code Block

xsetroot -solid grey
vncconfig -iconic &
#xterm -geometry 80x24+10+10 -ls -title "$VNCDESKTOP Desktop" &
#twm &

You should also move your .vnc directory to a place that doesn't require you to have a kerberos token

Code Block

mkdir /u1/<username>; mv .vnc /u1/<username>/ ; ln -s /u1/<username>/.vnc .vnc

And make sure your .vnc/passwd file is only readable by you (even though it's kind of encrypted):

Code Block

chmod go-r .vnc/passwd

Then you use vncviewer (on some other machine, probably!) to connect to your session.
Use the desktop id which it said when you ran vncserver (by default is ":1").


There's a lot more space in /nfs/slac/g/atlas/u01/users:
