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If you need a particular database release, for running over data typically,
you can set the database release you want to use by adding to your cmthome/requirements file:


I still get a "Word too long" message sometimes after setting up an ATLAS release.
It seems to be from the PATH variable getting over a certain length that even bash can't handle.
You can fix it with this, which turns all the /afs/ to just /afs/slac, which works just as well:


Sometimes a digi job won't work (in 15.3.0?) because "chappy fails" on the input file.
The problem can be fixed by adding the right python directory to your path:


When running on the batch farm, you really should write things out into the /scratch area on the batch node during the job,
and then cp it all back at the end of the job, to prevent hammering on NFS. Here's an example script:

Code Block

. /u/at/ahaas/cmthome/ -tag=15.3.0 #setup the ATLAS release

export d=`date +%s`; echo $d #make a variable name for the directory which is the number of seconds since 1975
export d=`date +%s`; echo $d

#make a scratch area on the local machine
mkdir /scratch/ahaas; mkdir /scratch/ahaas/${d}; mkdir /scratch/ahaas/${d}/temp; cd /scratch/ahaas/${d}; pwd;

#run your stuff here -c "TIMESHIFT=0" -c "DECAY=False" /u/at/ahaas/reldirs/15.3.0/Generators/Pythia_i/share/ >  temp/pyth.log.txt
#all outputs of the athena job that are important should get put into the temp directory too...

echo copying#copy back results in the temp directory to some nfs directory
pwd; ls -lh temp
export dd=`date +%s` ; echo $dd #this will add the end time of the job to the temp direcory output name
if [ -a /nfs/slac/g/atlas/u01/users/ahaas/temp/rh_production_stripped_files/temp_${d}_${dd} ]
 then echo Destination directory already exists
 else mv -v /scratch/ahaas/${d}/temp /nfs/slac/g/atlas/u01/users/ahaas/temp/rh_production_stripped_files/temp_${d}_${dd}
cd; pwd; rm -rfv /scratch/ahaas/${d}; 
echo done

You could run this batch script above (put in a file called with:
