Versions Compared


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Code Block
for j in `bjobs | cut -f 1 -d " "`; do bkill $j; echo $j; done

To run eclipse (see this page):

Code Block


Code Block
hadd -h #show how to use
hadd -f step.root */*step.root #for instance

Sometime when running over data it helps to put a link in your running directory:

Code Block

mkdir sqlite200; ln -s /afs/ sqlite200/ALLP200.db

Can run these on a POOL file to see what StoreGate keys are in there:

Code Block <file> <file>

Can put this in a bash script near the top, to check if you have a GRID cert:

Code Block

if [ $? -eq 1 ] ; then echo You need to get a GRID cert; exit; fi

To get a list of filenames (to load into athena) from a given dataset:

Code Block

dq2-ls -f -p -H $1 | sed "s%srm:// += [\"root://atl-xrdr//atlas/xrootd/%g" | sed "s%$%\"]%g" | grep xrootd

This gets a ROOT file with info on a given data run (mag field configuration, #events, streams, etc.):

Code Block

#gets a ROOT file with info on a run (takes run number as argument)
sleep 3
rm -v\?q\=find+run*

There's a few athena options (I like the -s and -c etc.):

Code Block

athena -h #show athena help

Sometimes my JiveXML files get messed up and can't be read, due to a binary character in the trigger string. Fix it with:

Code Block

for f in JiveXML*; do sed -i '/Obeys/d' $f ; done
for f in JiveXML*; do sed -i 's/<trigInfoStreamTag>/<trigInfoStreamTag>fixJive/' $f ; done

If a script is expecting a particular ATLAS release version, you can check it with:

Code Block

if [ $AtlasVersion != "15.3.1" ]; then echo "Go to a cmthome and do . -tag=15.3.1"; exit; fi

Check out all the CSC transforms:

Code Block

csc_<tab> #will show them all... look at,,, etc...

This will actually put your files into the catalog, so you don't get annoying warnings:

Code Block

pool_insertFileToCatalog <file>

When running on the batch farm, you really should write things out into the /scratch area on the batch node during the job, and then cp it all back at the end of the job, to prevent hammering on NFS. Here's an example script:

Code Block


. /u/at/ahaas/cmthome/ -tag=15.3.0 #setup the ATLAS release

export d=`date +%s`; echo $d #make a variable name for the directory which is the number of seconds since 1975
mkdir /scratch/ahaas; mkdir /scratch/ahaas/${d}; mkdir /scratch/ahaas/${d}/temp; cd /scratch/ahaas/${d}; pwd; -c "TIMESHIFT=0" -c "DECAY=False" /u/at/ahaas/reldirs/15.3.0/Generators/Pythia_i/share/ >  temp/pyth.log.txt
#all outputs of the athena job that are important should get put into the temp directory too...

echo copying back results
pwd; ls -lh temp
mv -v /scratch/ahaas/${d}/temp /nfs/slac/g/atlas/u01/users/ahaas/temp/rh_production_stripped_files/temp_${d}
cd; rm -rfv /scratch/ahaas/${d}; echo done

You could run this batch script above (put in a file called with the following.
(The xlong queue will kill your job after 177.6 hours of CPU time in "SLAC units"... which is about ~15 hours of real CPU time.)
(See all queues with "bqueues". You can see the the details of a queue with "bqueues -l xlong".)

Code Block

bsub -q xlong -R rhel40 -J SG${n}_${s} time