Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Note - branch/version is a bit blurry, but we can think of version as another 'main' branch that is being actively worked on. ex: epics 3 vs 7, both 3 and 7 are actively getting fixes.

Table of Contents

Create Issue:

Code Block
'headers': {
 	"linux_username": "string",
	"gitub_username": "string" 
'body': {
	"caterNumber": "string"
	"component": "string"
	"issueTracker": "string", // OPTIONAL


User see's cater → calls CLI '$ bs create issue' → CLI asks user for cater ID, and component → CLI passes in api request above → backend creates issue using information on the cater

Add new version for active development on component:

Code Block
'headers': {
 	"linux_username": "string",
	"gitub_username": "string" 
'body': {
	"component": "string"
	"version": "string"

Create new branch

Code Block
'headers': {
 	"linux_username": "string",
	"gitub_username": "string" 
'body': {
	"component": "string"
	"branch": "string" 		// Name of newly created branch

Checkout component

Code Block
'headers': {
 	"linux_username": "string",
	"gitub_username": "string" 
'body': {
	"component": "string"
	"branch": "string"


Code Block
// Any reason we can't use git directly?

Mark complete (use when a dev is done, to notify backend the development is considered done)

Code Block
'headers': {
 	"linux_username": "string",
	"gitub_username": "string" 
'body': {
	"component": "string"
	"branch": "string"

Start Build (called by runner / cli)

Code Block
'headers': {
 	"linux_username": "string",
	"gitub_username": "string" 
'body': {
  	"component": "string"
	"branch": "string"   