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  • Check the data has been gathered:
  • Analyze
    • There is a group of analysis scripts, that pick up zipped data; do their analysis, aggregate data and prepare web reports.
      • Note that to be included in the analyzed data the host must be in NODEDETAILS.
    • The first script to be executed is (which is executed by calling the wrapper --date 1days from the trscronjob) which takes as input data the output of (raw data) and from this aggregates the data to by day and writes the latest  to the /nfs/slac/g/net/pinger/pingerreports/hep/<metric>/ directory with the file name <metric><size><by><yyyy><mm>-<dd>.txt.X., this is referred to as the hourly analyzed data. The script is run daily from the trscrontab on pinger and by default analyzes the data gathered for yesterday. 

      The file names appear as:
