Versions Compared


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  1. Perl 5, which should be found with "/usr/bin/env perl".
  2. ROOT 5.10.00 to 5.18.00b : the user can specify $ROOTSYS to any ROOT release, and it will be used as is by the skimmer, but the only validated releases are 5.10.00, 5.14.00g, 5.16.00-gl1 and 5.18/00b 00c-gl1 ; if not defined, the skimmer will search for $GLAST_EXT/ROOT/v5.10.00/root ; if $GLAST_EXT is not defined, it will be set to /afs/slac/g/glast/ground/GLAST_EXT/$CMTCONFIG ; if $CMTCONFIG is not defined, it will be set to rh9_gcc32.


The skimmed files will be stored in the directory defined by shell variable SK_OUTOUTPUT_DIR, in files called SK_OUTOUTPUT_FILE_BODY_<datatype>.root. Yet, if they turned to be very big files, ROOT could automatically close the first file and open new ones, appending a rank number to the file name. The maximum bytes size of each ouput ROOT file can be changed with shell variable SK_MAX_FILE_SIZE. If the value of 0 is given to this variable (this is the default), ROOT will use its own default value. Also, if the value is 0 and the job is merging all the events, the ROOT fast merging method will be used.


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