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geometry_deploy_constants -h

Code Block
title2022-03-25 (ana-4.0.37) results of the command> geometry_deploy_constants -h
(ana-4.0.37) [<username>@psanagpu106:~/LCLS/con-py2]$ geometry_deploy_constants -e xpptut15 -r 320 -d XppGon.0:Cspad.0 -D -c ./calib -h
geometry_deploy_constants -e <experiment> -d <detector> -r <run-number> [-D] [-L <logging-mode>] [...]

  geometry_deploy_constants -e cxilu9218 -d CxiDs1.0:Jungfrau.0 -r238 --posz -100000 --posx 0 --posy 0 --rotz 90 -D --runrange 10-20

Ex.1  for Cspad CXI    : geometry_deploy_constants -e xpptut15 -r 380 -d CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0 -D -c ./calib
Ex.2  for Cspad CXI    : geometry_deploy_constants -e xpptut15 -r 380 -d CxiDs2.0:Cspad.0 -D -c ./calib
Ex.3  for Cspad XPP    : geometry_deploy_constants -e xpptut15 -r 320 -d XppGon.0:Cspad.0 -D -c ./calib
Ex.4  for cspad2x2     : geometry_deploy_constants -e xpptut15 -r 460 -d MecTargetChamber.0:Cspad2x2.3 -D -c ./calib --posz -100000 --posx 10 --posy -20 --rotz 90
Ex.5  for jungfrau512k : geometry_deploy_constants -e xpptut15 -r 410 -d MfxEndstation.0:Jungfrau.1 -D -c ./calib
Ex.6  for jungfrau1M   : geometry_deploy_constants -e xpptut15 -r 430 -d MfxEndstation.0:Jungfrau.0 -D -c ./calib
Ex.7  for jungfrau4M   : geometry_deploy_constants -e xpptut15 -r 530 -d DetLab.0:Jungfrau.2 -D -c ./calib
Ex.8  for epix10ka2m   : geometry_deploy_constants -e xpptut15 -r 570 -d MfxEndstation.0:Epix10ka2M.0 -D -c ./calib
Ex.9  for epix100a     : geometry_deploy_constants -e xpptut15 -r 260 -d XcsEndstation.0:Epix100a.1 -D -c ./calib
Ex.10 for pnCCD        : geometry_deploy_constants -e xpptut15 -r 450 -d Camp.0:pnCCD.1 -D -c ./calib
Ex.11 for epix10kaquad : geometry_deploy_constants -e xpptut15 -r 590 -d MecTargetChamber.0:Epix10kaQuad.0 -D -c ./calib
Ex.12 for epix10kaquad : geometry_deploy_constants -e xpptut15 -r 590 -d MecTargetChamber.0:Epix10kaQuad.1 -D -c ./calib
Ex.13 for epix10kaquad : geometry_deploy_constants -e xpptut15 -r 590 -d MecTargetChamber.0:Epix10kaQuad.2 -D -c ./calib
Ex.14 for epix10kaquad : geometry_deploy_constants -e xpptut15 -r 590 -d MecTargetChamber.0:Epix10kaQuad.3 -D -c ./calib

Help:  geometry_deploy_constants -h

Deployment of geometry calibration parameters

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -e EXP, --exp EXP     experiment name, default = None
  -d DET, --det DET     detector name, default = None
  -r RUN, --run RUN     run number of the existing dataset to get run time-
                        stamp, detector full name etc., default = None
  -t TSTAMP, --tstamp TSTAMP
                        non-default time stamp (<YYYYmmddHHMMSS) or run
                        number(<10000) for constants selection in repo. By
                        default run time is used, default = None
  -s DSSUFFIX, --dssuffix DSSUFFIX
                        dataset name suffix beyond
                        exp=<expname>:run=<runnum><dssuffix>, for example
                        ":smd:dir=<path>/xtc/", default = None
  -x DSNAME, --dsname DSNAME
                        overrides exp=<expname>:run=<runnum><dssuffix> if
                        specified, e.g. path to *.xtc file, default = None
  -o DIRREPO, --dirrepo DIRREPO
                        non-default repository of calibration results, default
                        = /reg/g/psdm/detector/calib/geometry/
  -c DIRCALIB, --dircalib DIRCALIB
                        deployment calib directory if different from standard
                        one, default = None
  -l LOGLEV, --loglev LOGLEV
                        logging mode, one of INFO, CRITICAL, WARN, WARNING,
                        ERROR, DEBUG, NOTSET, default = INFO
  --dirmode DIRMODE     mode for all mkdir, default = 511
  --filemode FILEMODE   mode for all saved files, default = 438
  -D, --deploy          deploy constants to the calib dir, default = False
  -R RUNRANGE, --runrange RUNRANGE
                        validity run range for output calibration file,
                        default = 0-end
  --parent PARENT       parent frame name containing the detector geometry
                        object, default = IP
  --posx POSX           detector position x[um] relative IP, default =
  --posy POSY           detector position y[um] relative IP, default =
  --posz POSZ           detector position z[um] relative IP, default =
  --rotx ROTX           detector rotation angle [degree] around axis x,
                        default = 0.000000
  --roty ROTY           detector position angle [degree] around axis y,
                        default = 0.000000
  --rotz ROTZ           detector position angle [degree] around axis z,
                        default = 0.000000
