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check the status of the data moving here: Data Mover Monitoring, this page can be seen one the main "pswww" page as well. Take out the nodes with the issue, assuming your problem is limited to a single node. If it's wider spread, it might warrant a call.

I have included a recorder source and the DAQ won't start:

Most likely, the recorder process cannot connect to the node that you are trying to run the recording process on. This node depends on the source and is listed in your .iocrc file. You can use serverStat to check on the server health and power cycle if appropriate.

The IOC recording seems to work fine, but my output file is of size 0:

This means your recording process is up and you can connect to the PVs. If this PV does not have well-formed timestamps when you request this (necessary for cameras!), the data the process would want to record cannot be found as the timestamp us used to determine what should be recorded.

The XTCAV recording does not work:

First, please make sure the image in the camViewer updates. This means the IOC is up and running. The recorder process uses a special interface on a special machine, so in addition this this, that machine needs to be up (see recorder source and DAQ won't start). If the machine is up, ssh to it (ioc-und-rec01). The data comes through a special interface, so you need to do the following check:

export PSPKG_ROOT=/reg/g/pcds/pkg_mgr
source $PSPKG_ROOT/etc/
export EPICS_CA_MAX_ARRAY_BYTES=17000000

camonitor ORTS:DMPH:695:RAW:ArrayData -#6

<hopefully data.....> 


  • Rayonix MX[340/170]-HS (expert information)
  • Taking a dark
    • In the DAQ, "shutdown" first,  then go to 'edit' -> 'rayonix' .
    • Make sure binning is what you are going to use to take data
    • Select on the menu 'Update background on config' and click 'apply'. Run the DAQ for few seconds.
    • Go back to the 'expert mode' and select on the menu 'keep current background' and click apply.\
    • If this doesn't work go to the terminal where the Rayonix server is running (ask Silke), stop it (CRTL-X) and restart it after about 10 sec (CRTL-R). Restart the DAQ.
  • 'rayonix' will start a session as hsuser on the Rayonix server. capXure can be run here and the DAQ process also runs in a procServ on this machine
  • Trouble shooting: on Rayonix machine - skip first 3 lines if the DAQ process is already running.
    • cd ~/slac
      Now you can connect to the _active_ session using telnet localhost 30099.
      This window behaves kind of like an IOC. ctrl+x to kill the process (necessary in several cases....), ctrl+R to restart things. It is not running auto restart as the detector interfaces sometimes needs more time to be available again than auto restart will give it. After the initial start I have found that typically I needed to restart the process (ctrl+x; wait; ctrl+R)
      What you should see (after a bit) are either lines showing the detector status:

      13_11:46:45:2015-Nov-13 11:46:45,[STATUS  ],[STATUS_DATA],-79.95,-79.35,-79.95,-79.75,-156.15,52.25,-860.95,-870.25,-774.25,33.05,49.85,49.85,276,273,275,36,0,0,1200,00:00:04

      or, if you are already running it in the DAQ, one line for each image you record:

      12_15:30:30:2015-Nov-12 15:30:30,[VERBOSE ],RxDetector::FrameAcquisitionFrameProcessor(83, 0x7f55d403bc20,0x7f55d42d2230) - starting

      12_15:30:30:FrameReady: Frame #84  size=7372800  timestamp=59989 ms

      In DAQ config, go to Rayonix settings, choose binning you need (10 Hz at 2x2, 120 Hz at 10x10)
  • Trouble shooting (includes controller reboot)
    sometimes, the detector reports wrong status information and believe many state bits are flipping. You can see either that some of the temperature are reading unreasonably numbers without any change from the "usual" ones (you should see 4 times ~ -80 and 2 times ~-110)

    13_11:38:45:2015-Nov-13 11:38:45,[STATUS  ],[STATUS_DATA],-79.95,-79.35,-79.95,-79.65,-109.25,-109.95,34.05,42.65,45.45,34.75,49.85,49.85,276,273,275,37,0,0,1200,20:50:31

    13_11:39:45:2015-Nov-13 11:39:45,[STATUS  ],[STATUS_DATA],-79.95,-79.35,-79.95,-79.65,-109.25,-109.95,34.05,42.35,45.45,34.85,49.85,49.85,276,273,275,36,0,0,1200,20:51:31

    13_11:40:45:2015-Nov-13 11:40:45,[STATUS  ],[STATUS_DATA],-79.95,-79.35,-79.95,-79.75,-156.15,52.05,-860.85,-870.25,-774.15,34.75,49.85,49.85,276,273,275,37,0,0,1200,00:00:04

    13_11:41:45:2015-Nov-13 11:41:45,[STATUS  ],[STATUS_DATA],-79.95,-79.35,-79.85,-79.65,-156.15,52.05,-860.85,-870.25,-774.15,33.95,49.85,49.85,276,273,275,36,0,0,1200,00:00:04

    To recover from that, you need to stop the DAQ process (ctrl+x  in the telnet localhost 30099 terminal window) and open the Rayonix software capxure.

    Reboot the detector controller (there is a button for that). Re-enable cooling. You might have to quite this process and start again to see the now reasonable temperatures. Once this looks fine, you can quit this software and restart the DAQ process:  (ctrl+R  in the telnet localhost 30099 terminal window) 
