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Here's an example session on a Mac. I create created a directory called "fermi_summer_school" (its name does not matter and you can create it wherever you like or use an existing directory)   and a file in it called "this_is_the_share_directory" just so something shows up with an "ls". in a directory listing.  Note that its name does not matter, and you can create it wherever you like or use an existing directory.  This directory will be visible from the container. I then created pulled the FermiBottle image from Docker and started it.

Code Block
(base) user@host % mkdir fermi_summer_school
(base) user@host % cd fermi_summer_school
(base) user@host fermi_summer_school % touch this_is_the_share_directory
(base) user@host fermi_summer_school % ls
(base) user@host fermi_summer_school % docker pull fssc/fermibottle
Pulling from fssc/fermibottle
Digest: sha256:f041b634d1b3a6d3a4e3276c8bac486de47a1839365c0a0826569da40c5a9b47
Status: Image is up to date for fssc/fermibottle
(base) user@host fermi_summer_school % touch this_is_the_share_directory
(base) user@host fermi_summer_school % ls
(base) user@host fermi_summer_school % xhost + && \
docker create -it --init \
-e HOST_USER_ID=`id -u $USER` \
-e DISPLAY=host.docker.internal:0 \
-v "`pwd`":/data \
-p 8888:8888 \
fssc/fermibottle being added to access control list
(base) user@host fermi_summer_school % docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE              COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS    PORTS     NAMES
be68136958ad   fssc/fermibottle   "/opt/docker/bin/ent…"   19 seconds ago   Created             silly_pasteur
(base) user@host fermi_summer_school % docker start be68136958ad
(base) user@host fermi_summer_school % docker attach be68136958ad

This puts me in the container. You should notice that the prompt is now the "fermi" user and the container ID. I launched ds9 to make sure X-windows are working. Quit it (assuming it works) and change to the shared directory, which is under '/data/' in the container.

Code Block
(base) [fermi@be68136958ad ~]$ ds9
(base) [fermi@be68136958ad ~]$ cd /data
(base) [fermi@be68136958ad data]$ ls

Back on the host system, download this file,, and put it in the shared directory. Then, unzip it which will create a directory.


You can paste one of the http URLs into the browser on your host machine and should see something like:

Click on the Quick_test.ipynb file to open it. You can then run the notebook by select Cell->Run All from the menu bar.  It runs one of the Fermitools (gtbin) and then creates a lightcurve. You should then end up with a notebook that looks like this:
