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Code Block
(base) user@host % mkdir fermi_summer_school
(base) user@host % cd fermi_summer_school
(base) user@host fermi_summer_school % touch this_is_the_share_directory
(base) user@host fermi_summer_school % ls
(base) user@host fermi_summer_school % docker pull fssc/fermibottle
Pulling from fssc/fermibottle
Digest: sha256:f041b634d1b3a6d3a4e3276c8bac486de47a1839365c0a0826569da40c5a9b47
Status: Image is up to date for fssc/fermibottle
(base) user@host fermi_summer_school % xhost + && \
docker create -it --init \
-e HOST_USER_ID=`id -u $USER` \
-e DISPLAY=host.docker.internal:0 \
-v "`pwd`":/data \
-p 8888:8888 \
fssc/fermibottle being added to access control list
(base) user@host fermi_summer_school % docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE              COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS    PORTS     NAMES
be68136958ad   fssc/fermibottle   "/opt/docker/bin/ent…"   19 seconds ago   Created             silly_pasteur
(base) user@host fermi_summer_school % docker start be68136958ad
(base) user@host fermi_summer_school % docker attach be68136958ad

You can use either the container id or name of the container to start and attach to it.

This puts me in the container. You should notice that the prompt is now the "fermi" user and the container ID. Note that you only have to run the xhost command once.  If you quit the container, you will just have to run the start and attach commands to return to it.


Congratulations, things seem to be working!

GBM Data Tools Example

The GBM Data Tools tutorials are in Jupyter notebooks.  If you did the example above, you already have a notebook running, but you can't have more than one Jupyter notebook running at a time in FermiBottle by default.  You can use the "Quit" button in the upper right of the Jupyter notebook start page or hit to ctrl-c in the terminal window, which will then prompt you to shut it down.  

The GBM Data Tools are in separate conda environment from the Fermitools.  The GBM team provides the gbm-demos command to launch a list of the tutorial notebooks.

Code Block
(fermi) [fermi@be68136958ad Quick_Test]$ conda deactivate
(base) [fermi@be68136958ad Quick_Test]$ conda activate fermigbm
(fermigbm) [fermi@be68136958ad Quick_Test]$ 
(fermigbm) [fermi@be68136958ad Quick_Test]$ gbm-demos

Like before, you will need to paste the URL into an external browser and will then find a list of notebooks.  Open the index.ipynb one, which gives more descriptive list of the available tutorials.  Try the first one on the list "GBM Science Data: Time History Spectra" and do Cell->Run All.  It should run quickly and make some plots.  You may see a warning that Basemap is not installed.  That shouldn't be a problem for now.