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Instructions to run baseline configuration testing on SCIPP cleanroom desktop

1. Connect module with proper power supply configuration (see elsewhere)
Do not apply HV

2. 'cd work'

3. 'source'

4. 'trackerGui &' opens testing user interface

5. In Tracker Control, select "Load Settings"Choose config file: 'heavy-photon-daq/config/baseline_config_L0.xml'
Configuration and State window will show APVs not synce

6. Click 'SoftReset' button in GUI to sync APVs

7. Under "Data File", click 'Browse' to create a save file

8. After creating save file, click 'Open'

9. Under "Run Control" section, check the following:
Run Rate: 100Hz
Run Count: 2000

10. Select "Run State:" drop down menu and click 'Running'
This will run the test and save the results to the Data File

11. To create root output from binary file
'makeHD -i <baseline_config_without_bin_ext> -r 1 -d 1 -f 1'

12. To analyze the root file
' -i <makeHD_output.root>