Versions Compared


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PartitionNodesDataCores per NodeMem per Node (GB)GPU TypeTime Limit (hr)PriorityCommentsLocation


ALL 128NVIDIA GTX 1080Ti48  B054 (SRCF)
psanagpu(101 - 106105)12
psanagpu(107 106 - 116)16
*anabatch      Default  


Code Block
[omarq@psslurm conda 06:10:08]cat tst_script 
#SBATCH --job-name=‘name’ # Job name for allocation
#SBATCH --output=‘filename’ # File to which STDOUT will be written, %j inserts jobid
#SBATCH --error=‘filename’ # File to which STDERR will be written, %j inserts jobid
#SBATCH --partition=anagpu # Partition/Queue to submit job
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:1080ti:1 # Number of GPUs
#SBATCH --nodesntask=18  # Total number of nodes.tasks
$SBATH --tasks-per-node=4 # Number of tasks per node
#SBATCH --mail-user='username' # Receive e-mail from slurm
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL # Type of e-mail from slurm; other options are: Error, Info.
srun -l hostname
srun python

[omarq@psslurm conda 06:10:11]sbatch tst_script 
Submitted batch job 187
