Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Under Authentication +919999999999 is the guest access.
  • The Database provides access to the data, click on ping and the individual records show up. Click on + signs to open each record.
Firebase pricing

Firebase provides two plans to choose from. The one which we are currently on is called the Spark Plan. It is a free plan that provides generous data limits. As our application grows we would need to adopt the Blaze plan. The blaze plan is a “Pay as you go” plan as indicated on the website. It is a post billing service which means that you get billed for your usage at the end of the month. 

Our application currently uses two services of Firebase - Authentication and Realtime database. For Authentication, according to the spark plan, we are allowed 10 000 phone verifications for numbers from the US, India and Canada and another 10 000 phone verifications from all other countries. If our application exceeds this amount we would have to pay $0.01 per verification for all phone numbers from India, the US and Canada and $0.06 per verification for numbers from all the other countries. 

As for Firebase Realtime database, the spark plan allows us to store 1 GB of data and download 10 GB per month. For every additional GB of data stored we would have to pay $5 whilst for every additional GB of data we download we would have to pay $1. So to save space and possible charges we would need to limit the amount of data we collect to 1 GB. If we are on the verge of exceeding this limit we can delete a couple of entries from the database.

Details for various pricing services along with a blaze plan calculator is provided on Firebase’s website: 

Relevant papers

An analysis of power consumption in a smartphone, A. Carrol and G. Heiser, 2009
