Versions Compared


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PV NameType


$(DEV):VERSIONstringinDOSFET controller version
$(DEV):IDstringinDOSFET serial number

Readback of pause between applying readback current and reading voltage

$(DEV):SET_DELAYaoSet pause time between applying readback current and reading voltage
$(DEV):BIASaiReadback bias voltage used between dose readings
$(DEV):SET_BIASaoSet bias voltage used between dose readings
$(DEV):SAVE_SETTINGSboSave delay and bias settings in the chassis non-volatile storage.
$(DEV):SET_PERIODaoDose readback sampling interval setting
$(DEV):BOARD_TEMPaiDOSFET chassis main board temperature
$(DEV):POLL_ENABLEboEnable/disable dose readback polling.
$(DEV):POLL_DELAYaoDose readback sampling interval readback
$(DEV):GATE_POLLINGaiCounter for seconds since the last dose readback cycle


DOSFET locations and sensor to chassis mapping
