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Pass7 (updated 10/25/2011)

Please see this page for details of the Pass7 public data release and SLAC Astroserver contents, including event samples and event class selection:

The astroserver command has evolved a bit. An example for requesting Pass7 photon (FT1) data:

Code Block
/u/gl/glast/astroserver/prod/astro --output-ft1 ft1.fits --event-sample P7.6_P120_BASE --ra 278.833 --dec -32.9289 --radius 10.0  --minTimestamp 339897600 --maxTimestamp 340502400  --minEnergy 100.0 --maxEnergy 300000.0 --event-class-name 'Source' --excludeMaxTimestamp --quiet --brief store

and and example of requesting spacecraft (FT2) data:

Code Block
/u/gl/glast/astroserver/prod/astro --output-ft2-30s ft2.fits --event-sample P7.6_P120_BASE --minTimestamp 339897600 --maxTimestamp 340502400 --excludeMaxTimestamp --quiet --brief storeft2

Note that one can also get online help from the astro command, e.g. ".../astro --help".

Code Block
$ /u/gl/glast/astroserver/prod/astro --help

The astroserver has two modes of operation.

(1) To display help or version information:

usage: astro [-h] [-i] [-v]
 -h,--help      Show this help screen and exit
 -i,--info      Display list of available event-samples and exit
 -v,--version   Show version information and exit

(2) To count/extract photons, or extract spacecraft files:

usage: astro < bounds | count | store | storeft2 > [-b] [-dec <angle>]
       [--event-class <event class list>] [--event-class-name <event class list>]
       [--event-sample <sample name>] [-excludeMaxTimestamp]
       [-excludeMinTimestamp] [-maxEnergy <energy>] [-maxTimestamp <time>]
       [-maxZenith <angle>] [-minEnergy <energy>] [-minTimestamp <time>]
       [-minZenith <angle>] [--output-event-list <file path>] [--output-ft1 <file
       path>] [--output-ft1-max-bytes-per-file <number of bytes>]
       [--output-ft1-max-events-per-file <number of events>] [--output-ft2-1s
       <file path>] [--output-ft2-1s-max-bytes-per-file <number of bytes>]
       [--output-ft2-1s-max-rows-per-file <number of rows>] [--output-ft2-30s
       <file path>] [--output-ft2-30s-max-bytes-per-file <number of bytes>]
       [--output-ft2-30s-max-rows-per-file <number of rows>] [--output-ls1 <file
       path>] [--output-ls1-max-bytes-per-file <number of bytes>]
       [--output-ls1-max-events-per-file <number of events>] [-q] [-ra <angle>]
       [-radius <angle>]
 -b,--brief                                                 Turn off
                                                            output message times and debug info
 -dec <angle>                                               Declination
                                                            coordinate at center of search-cone (Degrees: [-90,90])
    --event-class <event class list>                        [Deprecated as
                                                            of Pass 7.3, use '--event-class-name' option instead] List of event
                                                            classes, separated by commas.  Intervals may be specified by two
                                                            event-classes seperated by a colon. (ie: '1,3:6,8' == '1,3,4,5,6,8')
                                                            One-sided intervals may be specified by a number preceded or followed by a
                                                            colon.  (ie: '2:' == '>=2', ':2' == '<=2'
    --event-class-name <event class list>                   Name of event
                                                            class for selection.  Use the '--info' command to see a list of available
                                                            event classes for each sample
    --event-sample <sample name>                            REQUIRED: Name
                                                            of event sample to search
 -excludeMaxTimestamp                                       If option
                                                            specified, use < rather than <= when comparing to maxTimestamp
 -excludeMinTimestamp                                       If option
                                                            specified, use > rather than >= when comparing to minTimestamp
 -maxEnergy <energy>                                        Maximum photon
                                                            energy (MeV)
 -maxTimestamp <time>                                       Maximum
                                                            Timestamp (MET-seconds, fractional seconds accepted)
 -maxZenith <angle>                                         Maximum zenith
                                                            angle (degrees)
 -minEnergy <energy>                                        Minimum photon
                                                            energy (MeV)
 -minTimestamp <time>                                       Minimum
                                                            Timestamp (MET-seconds, fractional seconds accepted)
 -minZenith <angle>                                         Minimum zenith
                                                            angle (degrees)
    --output-event-list <file path>                         run/event-list
                                                            Output (text) file
    --output-ft1 <file path>                                FT1 output
                                                            (fits) file
    --output-ft1-max-bytes-per-file <number of bytes>       Maximum number
                                                            of bytes written to each FT1 file (before splitting output files.)
                                                            Default is 4GB.  A value of '0' (zero) will disable output-splitting
    --output-ft1-max-events-per-file <number of events>     Maximum number
                                                            of events written to each FT1 file (before splitting output files.)  By
                                                            default, ouptut is split on byte-size, not on rows.
    --output-ft2-1s <file path>                             1 second FT2
                                                            output (fits) file
    --output-ft2-1s-max-bytes-per-file <number of bytes>    Maximum number
                                                            of bytes written to each one-second FT2 file (before splitting output
                                                            files.)  Default is 4GB.  A value of '0' (zero) will disable
    --output-ft2-1s-max-rows-per-file <number of rows>      Maximum number
                                                            of rows written to each one-second FT2 file (before splitting output
                                                            files.)  By default, ouptut is split on byte-size, not on rows.
    --output-ft2-30s <file path>                            30 second FT2
                                                            Output (fits) File
    --output-ft2-30s-max-bytes-per-file <number of bytes>   Maximum number
                                                            of bytes written to each thirty-second FT2 file (before splitting output
                                                            files.)  Default is 4GB.  A value of '0' (zero) will disable
    --output-ft2-30s-max-rows-per-file <number of rows>     Maximum number
                                                            of rows written to each thirty-second FT2 file (before splitting output
                                                            files.)  By default, ouptut is split on byte-size, not on rows.
    --output-ls1 <file path>                                LS1 Output
                                                            File (fits)
    --output-ls1-max-bytes-per-file <number of bytes>       Maximum number
                                                            of bytes written to each LS1 file (before splitting output files.)
                                                            Default is 4GB.  A value of '0' (zero) will disable output-splitting
    --output-ls1-max-events-per-file <number of events>     Maximum number
                                                            of events written to each LS1 file (before splitting output files.)  By
                                                            default, ouptut is split on byte-size, not on rows.
 -q,--quiet                                                 Show only
                                                            warnings and errors
 -ra <angle>
                                                            Right-ascension coordinate at center of search-cone (Degrees: [0,360])
 -radius <angle>                                            Radius of
                                                            search-cone (Degrees)



This FAQ has been updated for the new (post-8/13/09) astro server.
For the OLD astro server command line (pre-8/13/09) see: Old Astro Server Command Line Interface

Yes, although the commands were mainly designed to be used by programs rather than end users, so they are not very user friendly

No Format
~glast/astroserver/prod/astro --event-sample <name> --output-ft1 <ft1-file> --output-ls1 <ls1-file> [ft1Selection] store

    You can specify ft1 and ls1 output files and have both generated in a single request.
No Format
~glast/astroserver/prod/astro --event-sample <name> --output-ft2-30s <30s-ft2-file> --output-ft2-1s <1s-ft2-file> [ft2Selection] storeft2

    You can specify ft2-30s and ft2-1s output files and have both generated in a single request.

A command, 'store' or 'storeft2' is required.

The event-sample is required, and specifies which event sample to search.  There are currently 2 event samples to choose from:

Event Sample Name


Event Classes


First public data release, ongoing

1, 2, 3


LEO -> Aug 13, 2009

1, 2, 3

(See LAT Dataset Definitions for more information about these event samples).

ft1Selection can contain (all optional):

No Format
--minTimestamp <value MET>
--maxTimestamp <value MET>
--minEnergy    <value MeV>
--maxEnergy    <value MeV>
--ra           <value degrees>
--dec          <value degrees>
--radius       <value degrees>
--eventClass   <event class filter> (ex: "EVENT_CLASS = 3" or "EVENT_CLASS >= 2") see "Notes" section for more information

and ft2Selection can contain (all optional):

No Format
--minTimestamp <value MET>
--maxTimestamp <value MET>


No Format
~glast/astroserver/prod/astro \
      --output-ft1 /tmp/out.fits \
      --event-sample P6_public_v1 \
      --minEnergy 100.0 --maxEnergy 200000.0 \
      --minTimestamp 2.39557414E8 --ra 128.83607 --dec -45.17644 --radius 10.0 --eventClass "EVENT_CLASS = 3" store


  1. Very large queries (for example, 1 second ft2 query for the entire mission) may run out of memory while building the output file.  At the moment the only solution is to break the query into smaller time ranges.
  2. The <event class filter> must be a valid SQL expression using only the identifier "EVENT_CLASS", numeric constants, and the operators listed below.  Operators (c) and (d) may not be as performant as combinations of operators in (a) and (b).
    1. =, >, <, >=, <=, !=
    2. AND, OR, NOT
    3. IN (value1, value2, ..., valueN)
    4. BETWEEN value1 AND value2