Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new plugin

Directory structure

The xrootd client tools are installed in the xrootd afs application area:

titleXrootd Application Directory



Releases are installes below the dist directory:

No Format
dist/                         dist/
 |   release_info                  release_info
 |   xrootd/                       xrootd    
 |   <Package>/                    ScaClient/  
 |   <arch>/                       i386_rhel30/ 
       |    bin  
       |    lib  


Info about version (commit, tag) of xrootd release and other Packages


src of the xrootd release


src of other packages that are installed besides xrootd. There could be more the n one package be installed


architecture the release is build for e.g.: i386_rhel30, amd64_linux26

Users access a client release through a link (PROD, DEV, TEST) in the Application directory.
Updating a link to point to a new release should be done atomically. The tool FeUpdateAppLink should be used. For example to change DEV to the release 20090202-1402 run

Code Block
> cd <xrootd-app-dir>
> ~glastdat/admin/releases/prod/bin/FeUpdateAppLink  --link DEV dist/20090202-1402

Or if using the shell

Code Block
> ln -s dist/20090202-1402/@sys PROD_tmp
or on older systems that don't support the -T option
> /usr/bin/rename PROD_TMP PROD PROD_TMP

On the noric machines at slac running just rename executes /usr/local/bin/rename which is different from /usr/bin/rename and must not be used.