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Code Block
hex_calib -h

Data processing example

Hexanode data processing in psana using MPIDataSource:

Code Block
import psana
from expmon.HexDataIOExt import HexDataIOExt  # Line 0 - import
# Parameters: data set name, data source, channels, number of events, CFD etc.
kwargs = {'command'  : 1,
          'srcchs'   : {'AmoETOF.0:Acqiris.0':(6,7,8,9,10,11),'AmoITOF.0:Acqiris.0':(0,)},
          'numchs'   : 7,
          'numhits'  : 16,
          'dsname'   : 'exp=xpptut15:run=390:smd',
          'evskip'   : 0,
          'events'   : 500,
          'ofprefix' : './',
          'verbose'  : False,
          'cfd_base'        :  0.  ,        
          'cfd_thr'         : -0.04,         
          'cfd_cfr'         :  0.9 ,         
          'cfd_deadtime'    :  5.0 ,    
          'cfd_leadingedge' :  True, 
          'cfd_ioffsetbeg'  :  0   ,  
          'cfd_ioffsetend'  :  1000, 
ds = psana.MPIDataSource(kwargs['dsname'])    # Open psana dataset using mpi
o = HexDataIOExt(ds, **kwargs)                # Line 1 - object initialization
print 'MPI size: %2d rank: %2d' % (ds.size, ds.rank)

for evt in :
    nevent = ds.event_number()
    #print 'XXX event %4d rank %2d' % (nevent, ds.rank)
    if o.skip_event(evt)     , nevent)      : continue # Line 2 - loop control method passes evt to the object
    if o.event_number()nevent > o.EVENTS           : break
    #x, y, t = o.hits_xyt()                   # Line 3 - get arrays x, y, t of hits' coordinates and time
    o.print_hits()                            # Line 3 alternative - prints x, y, time for all hits in the event
Code Block
titleDepricated example expmon/examples/
#!/usr/bin/env python
""" Usage: python expmon/examples/ """
from expmon.HexDataIOExt import HexDataIOExt
def test_HexDataIOExt() :
    # Parameters for initialization of the data source, channels, number of events etc.
    kwargs = {'command'  : 1,
              'srcchs'   : {'AmoETOF.0:Acqiris.0':(6,7,8,9,10,11),'AmoITOF.0:Acqiris.0':(0,)},
              'numchs'   : 7,
              'numhits'  : 16,
              'dsname'   : 'exp=xpptut15:run=390:smd',
              'evskip'   : 0,
              'events'   : 600,
              'ofprefix' : './',
              'verbose'  : False,
    o = HexDataIOExt(**kwargs)       # Line # 1
    while o.read_next_event() :      # Line # 2
        o.print_sparsed_event_info() # print sparsed event number and time consumption 

#if ds.master :
print 'MPI rank %2d summary:' % (ds.rank)
o.print_summary()               if o.skip_event()       : continue # event loop control
        if o.break_event_loop() : break    # event loop control
        x, y, t = o.hits_xyt()       # Line # 3 get arrays of x, y, z hit coordinates
        #print 'x:', x
        #print 'y:', y
        #print 't:', t
        #print 'methods:', o.hits_method()
        o.print_hits()               # prints x, y, time, method for found in event hits
    o.print_summary() # print number of events, processing time total, instant and frequency
if __name__ == "__main__" :
    import sys
    print 'End of %s' % sys.argv[0].split('/')[-1]

MPIDataSource object provides in subset of events for particular MPI rank. Method  ds.event_number() retrieves total event number in entire dataset.

Other example versions in expmon/examples:

  • -  hexanode data processing in psana DataSource with MPI,
  • - hexanode data processing in psana using DataSource created inside HexDataIO object.
