/HPS Public
Jefferson Lab/Hall B
/HPS Run Wiki
three type of thrown exceptions were obserwedobserved
Exception message | comment |
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Matrix is singular | Event reoonstruction reconstruction stops. Affects 37 % of files from 5772, and 15% of 5611 (1.5mm) |
INFO] [org.hps.evio] Caught 4 SvtEvioHeaderExceptions for event 30080880 of 4 types: SvtEvioHeaderMultisampleErrorBitException SvtEvioHeaderApvBufferAddressException SvtEvioHeaderApvFrameCountException SvtEvioHeaderApvReadErrorException | Seems this is only a message, event reconstruction doesn't stop |
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: dphi is large 3.2688829482255612 from phi0 -1.638781685234575 and phinew 1.6301012629909863 take care of the ambiguity!!?? | Event reoonstruction stops. Affects 5.9% of files from 5772, and 3.8% of 5611 (1.5mm) |
All the files are in the following directory