Versions Compared


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Table of Contents


To create mask use Mask Editor command med or launch it through the calibman.

Geometry center

ix_cent, iy_cent = det.point_indexes(runnum)

879, 871 (then x and y are swapped to Cartesian system).

Equatorial mask

Mask parameters

Code Block
Wedge  871  879  454  387  148  196 1 k False False
Wedge  871  879  454  387  -27   21 1 k False False


Code Block
t   = pars[0]              # figure type, ex. 'Wedge'
x   = float(pars[1])       # x coordinate of the wedge center
y   = float(pars[2])       # y coordinate of the wedge center
r   = float(pars[3])       # 1-st radius of the wedge 
w   = float(pars[4])       # radial width of the wedge 
t1  = float(pars[5])       # 1-st angle
t2  = float(pars[6])       # 2-nd angle
lw  = int(pars[7])         # line width
col = str(pars[8])         # color
s   = self.dicBool[pars[9].lower()]   # isSelected boolean parameter
rem = self.dicBool[pars[10].lower()]  # isRemoved - helper parameter

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Involved sensors in adopted cxif5315 geometry: 0, 1,    9,15,    16,17,   25,31


Code Block
| 1 | 0 |
| 2 | 3 |

Arc mask

Code Block
Wedge  871  879  454   26  -174  186 1 k False False


Involved sensors in the top part of the image in adopted cxif5315 geometry: 0, (1), 7,   8, (9), 15

Equatorial and arc combined mask


Radial background subtraction

For some reason polarization correction does not work well in this experiment for entire image.


SIngle angular bin still works fine in our ROI defined by both masks.

Comparison of the pfv2 with Cheetah list of peaks

Code for comparison: cxif5315/

Peak lists for comparison:

  • peakfinder: pfv2-cxif5315-r0169-2016-03-28T15:02:47.txt
  • cheetah: r0169-cheetah-peaks.txt - with unknown origin...

Comparison algorithm and conditions

Use pyimgalgos.TDFileContainer for both peakfinder and cheetah

Code Block
    fc_ch = TDFileContainer(fncheet, indhdr='frameNumber', objtype=TDCheetahPeakRecord) # , pbits=256)
    fc_pf = TDFileContainer(fnpeaks, indhdr='Evnum', objtype=TDPeakRecord) #, pbits=256)




Statistics for number of peaks:

  • total in Cheetah: 14002 
  • matched: 10593
  • not-matched: 3409
  • fraction of matched: 0.757

Plots for number of peaks in peak-finder, Cheetah, and number of non-matched:matched Cheetah peaks.

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Peak-finder number of peaks accounts for arc region.

Peak finding

Try to work with  versions > v1 of peak-finders:




Peak-finder and selector parameters in cxif5315/

Code Block
alg_arc = PyAlgos(windows=winds_arc, mask=mask_arc, pbits=2)
alg_equ.set_peak_selection_pars(npix_min=4, npix_max=500, amax_thr=0, atot_thr=600, son_min=5)   # for pfv2,4
#alg_equ.set_peak_selection_pars(npix_min=4, npix_max=500, amax_thr=0, atot_thr=600, son_min=10) # for pfv3

 alg_equ = # all parameters are the same as for alg_arc

        peaks_arc = alg_arc.peak_finder_v2(nda, thr=10, r0=6, dr=0.5)                               # Flood-filling
        #peaks_arc = alg_arc.peak_finder_v3(nda, rank=6, r0=6, dr=0.5)                              # Ranker
        #peaks_arc = alg_arc.peak_finder_v4(nda, thr_low=10, thr_high=150, rank=5, r0=6, dr=0.5)    # Droplet-finder

Peak selection parameters

peak_finder_v2, v3, v4: ARC

  • Amax is only used in pfv4 as 
    that helps to reduce a number of seed peaks

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  • Atot is used in all peak-finders as 

    most likely can be harmlessly increased to 1500-1800ADU

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  • rms is used in all peak-finders at processing in peak selector
    if pk.rms>60 : return False 

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  • rms is used in all peak-finders at processing in peak selector
    if math.fabs(pk.bkgd)>20 : return False

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  • npix is used in all peak-finders in peak selector 
    npix_min=4, npix_max=500

    it does not cut anything

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  • S/N is  used as
    son_min=5 # for pfv2,4

    son_min=10 # for pfv3 - Ranker - to eliminate large number of purely statistical seed peaks

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peak_finder_v2, v3, v4: EQU

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