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  --recurse                              Recurse sub-folders
  --search-folders                    Search for datasets inside folder(s)
  --search-groups                    Search in groups.  This option is superceeded by the -G (--group) option if they are both supplied.
  --group <group name>         Dataset Group under which to search for datasets.
  --site <site name>                Name of Site to search.  May be used multiple times to specify a list of sites in which case order is taken as preference.  Defaults to the Master-location if not provided.
  --filter <filter expression>     Criteria by which to filter datasets.  ie: 'DatasetDataType=="MERIT" && nMetStart>=257731220 && nMetStop <=257731580'
  --sort <meta name>             Name of meta-data field to sort on.  May be used multiple times to specify a list of fields to sort on.  Order determines presidence.


<filter expression> Specifics:

A logical expression An expression composed of logical, arithmetic, and comparison operators along with meta-data fields used to select datasets that meet specific criteria. 

titleHere's a loose grammar which defines the filter expressions:

Expr ::= Expr
Expr ::= '(' Expr ')'
Expr ::= '!' Expr
Expr ::= Expr LogOp Expr
LogOp ::= '&&' | '||'
Expr ::= Comparable CmpOp Comparable
CmpOp ::= '==' | '!=' | '>=' | '<='
Comparable ::= "String"                -- a String constant must be enclosed in double quotes
Comparable ::= Number
Comparable ::= Identifier
Comparable ::= UnOp Comparable
UnOp ::= '-' | '+'
Comparable ::= Comparable BinOp Comparable
BinOp ::= '/' | '*' | '+' | '-'

Meta Data fields you can use in your expressions:
