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The skimmer is only usable on linux. For what concerns the external tools, skimmer v6r0 v6r1 depends on :

  1. Perl 5, which should be found with "/usr/bin/env perl".
  2. ROOT 5.10.00 to 5.18.00b : the user can specify $ROOTSYS to any ROOT release, and it will be used as is by the skimmer, but the only validated releases are 5.10.00, 5.14.00g, 5.16.00-gl1 and 5.18/00b ; if not defined, the skimmer will search for $GLAST_EXT/ROOT/v5.10.00/root ; if $GLAST_EXT is not defined, it will be set to /afs/slac/g/glast/ground/GLAST_EXT/$CMTCONFIG ; if $CMTCONFIG is not defined, it will be set to rh9_gcc32.


  1. From a CompositeEventList : if a CEL file is given as input to the skimmer, and defined with variable SK_INPUT_CEL.
  2. From a textual parameter file made by the user : the format is given below, and the path of the parameter file is the value of the variable SK_INPUT_FILE_LIST.
  3. From the Pipeline I Oracle Database : if the data to be skimmed has been generated with the Pipeline I, one can define SK_INPUT_TASK.

One and only Only one of those three variables must be non-null.In the case of Pipeline I products, sources will be used for a given job. The variables SK_INPUT_FILE_LIST and SK_INPUT_TASK is enough and should not be any of the tasks recognized by the Pipeline I Oracle Database. On top of that, one can select a subset of the task runs through the shell variables SK_RUN_MIN and SK_RUN_MAX. If the value of SK_RUN_MAX is 0, all the runs will be taken into considerationdefined at the same time. If defined, the variable SK_INPUT_CEL will only be used if both SK_INPUT_FILE_LIST and SK_INPUT_TASK are empty. In future releases, we could try to intersect the sets defined by SK_INPUT_FILE_LIST and SK_INPUT_CEL, but we are not yet sure it is useful and usable.

In the case of a textual parameter file written by the user, it must conform to the usual rules for the skimmer parameter files : the header is made of a first special comment which express the global file format release (#! CEL TXT 0.1), followed by a special comment which express the section name (#! SECTION Files). Then, each line of the file is the full path of an input ROOT file, eventually prefixed by the data types of the trees within the file. For example :


Pipeline I products, SK_INPUT_TASK is enough and should be any of the tasks recognized by the Pipeline I Oracle Database. On top of that, one can select a subset of the task runs through the shell variables SK_RUN_MIN and SK_RUN_MAX. If the value of SK_RUN_MAX is 0, all the runs will be taken into consideration.

In the case of a textual parameter file written by the user, it must conform to the usual rules for the skimmer parameter files : the header is made of a first special comment which express the global file format release (


#! CEL TXT 0.1


), followed by a special comment which express the section name (#! SECTION Files). Then, each line of the file is the full path of an input ROOT file, eventually prefixed by the data types of the trees within the file. For example :


#! CEL TXT 0.1

#! SECTION Files


No Format

Events cutting parameters

The list of selected events can be obtained from different sources :



Events cutting parameters

The list of selected events can be obtained from different sources :

  1. From a CompositeEventList : if a CEL file is given as input to the skimmer, and defined with variable SK_INPUT_CEL.
  2. From a textual file made by the user : the format is given below, and the file path is given thanks to variable SK_INPUT_EVENT_LIST.
  3. Indirectly with a cut : the skimmer can generate an event list, based on the values of SK_TCUT and SK_TCUT_DATA_TYPE. The syntax of SK_TCUT should be the ROOT one. Currently, the only valid value for SK_TCUT_DATA_TYPE is merit.


Only one of those three sources will be used for a given job. The variables SK_INPUT_EVENT_LIST and SK_TCUT should not be defined at the same time. If defined, the variable SK_INPUT_CEL will only be used if both



and SK_TCUT are empty. In future releases, we could try to intersect the sets defined by SK_INPUT_EVENT_LIST, SK_TCUT and SK_INPUT_CEL, but we are not yet sure it is useful and usable.

The expected content of the file defined by SK_INPUT_EVENT_LIST is a simple list of pairs, one by line, where each pair is made of a run id followed by an event id. The "events" section header can be followed by two special comments which recall the number of events before and after the cut (this information is currently not used by the skimmer). For example :


In the case you do want to keep all the entries, i.e. to merge the input data files, you should not give any kind of cut to the skimmer : SK_INPUT_CEL, SK_INPUT_EVENT_LIST and SK_TCUT should be empty.

In theory, we should also be able to combine any number of those cuts above, but this is not yet implemented. Currently, you must define either an input CEL, or a textual file, or a cut. Also, it It is not yet possible to define a TCut which is going through several data types, but it will be studied as soon as we have several possible values for SK_TCUT_DATA_TYPE.

As usual, one can obtain a file containing the final list of events by giving a value to SK_OUTPUT_EVENT_LIST, whose ouput format is the same as the input format above.
