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zeromq 4.1.3
download from
curl -O

zeromq depends on libsodium
curl -O httpsO 

uncompress libsodium.tar.gz
./configure --prefix=location
make && make check 
make install 
I chose to store the libsodium installation as part of my zeromq install in $GLAST_EXT/zeromq/4.1.3 

To build zeromq

./configure --prefix=location=$GLAST_EXT/zeromq/4.1.3 PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$GLAST_EXT/zeromq/4.1.3/lib/pkgconfig CPPFLAGS=-I$GLAST_EXT/zeromq/4.1.3/include LDFLAGS=-L$GLAST_EXT/zeromq/4.1.3/lib

make install 

Then install pyzmq 14.7.0:

pip install pyzmq --install-option="--zmq=$GLAST_EXT/zeromq/4.0.4"
