Versions Compared


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$ cd /u1/daq
$ source setup_env.csh 
$ ./rceScripts/connect_host <slot> <?> <?> (FIX NAMES OF ID's)
$ /mnt/host/coda/run_roc 

 Start rce server on dpm7


$ ssh dpm7GUI 

$ cd /mntu1/host/daq
$ ./rceScripts/start_servergui.cshStart rce GUI 


If it fails to connect check that server is running on dpm7 and restart if needed


$ ssh dpm7
$ cd /mnt/u1host/daq
$ ./rceScripts/start_guiserver.csh


Click 'connect' on RC GUI.  Click 'configure' then select '8rces' as run type.  Click 'Config' and select '/u1/coda/rcetest0.cfg'.  Click 'OK'.

Click 'Download'. 'Prestart' button appears if things worked.

Setup and start trigger (see below).

Click 'Prestart'.

Click 'Go'.

Setup and start trigger (see below).

Trigger setup


2: Send software triggers from TS

Open new terminal.

$ cd /u1/daq & soruce source setup_env.csh
$ ./rceScripts/connect_ti.csh (pw ask Pelle/Ryan/Ben)
$ cd  /home/daq/linuxvme/tid/src
$ ./tidInt_test

Change trigger rate by modifying tidInt_test.c: tidSoftTrig(0xffff,0xFFFF,1);



1: Send software triggers with new software from TS

$ cd /u1/daq & source setup_env.csh
$ ./rceScripts/connect_ti.csh (pw ask Pelle/Ryan/Ben)
$ cd  ti/test
$ ./tiLibTest

Option 3: Send software generated triggers with new software from TS from  function generator


Layout group C on 8/27/2014
