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1.1 - Scripts to set some environment variables 


Wiki Markup
The script \[\] (\[\] [.SetSoftRelease_bash] for bash or sh shell) sets the environement variables CMTCONFIG (to "rh9_gcc32opt"), GLAST_EXT (to "/afs/slac/g/glast/ground/GLAST_EXT/$CMTCONFIG") and the variable CMTPATH. The first 2 point to the directory where all the software packages hang, therefore they DO NOT need to be replaced. On the other hand, the variable CMTPATH points to the specific software package to be used, and consequently it needs to be modified every time you want to change software package or release. Because of that, the script has 2 arguments:


  1. Software package; _BeamtestRelease, EngineeringModel... _
  2. Release version: v3r0907p2, v6r070329p17 ...


1.2 - Root macro to load root libraries

Wiki Markup
 The macro [
 The macro
LoadLibraries.C|^LoadLibraries.C]\[\] can be used to load (within a root session) the following root libraries:



2 -  Useful macro to select  the events you want to display with FRED

Dipslaying events with FRED is not very quick; especially when you run GLEAM and FRED in a remote machine and you have to "download" the information from the event display to your local machine. Therefore, it is better to select the events you want to display before starting running FRED over them.

In this section you can find macros which can help you selecting the type of events  you want to display with FRED.

Let me note that Riccardo Giannitrapani is working in releasing the FRED code so that we can compile it in our local machines. Running FRED in your local machine has the advantage that you only have to download the information of the event to be displayed from the machine where GLEAM runs. That should make things faster. Hopefully the code will be available soon.

The macro doing the main job is EventFilter.C, which was written by W. Focke H. Kelly and A. W. Borgland. This macro creates a new digi.root OR recon.root OR  OR mc.root file with a sub-sample of the initial events, which are selected according to a cut in the "merit" or "svac" variables. This macro runs very nicely, but has two small drawbacks:

  1. If you want to process the 3 files (digi, recon and mc) which is usually the case, you have to run the macro 3 times
  2. You have to be sure you are loading the libraries from the right software package and release version before running it

The macro FilterRootFiles.C is a very simple macro which makes the event filtering a bit easier. With this macro, the user can specify a software package as argument  (like "BeamtestRelease-v3r0907p2" or "EngineeringModel-v6r070329p16") and the macro loads the appropriate root libraries (using the macro LoadLibraries.C) and then executes EventFilter.C for the 3 types of files (in case they are specified as arguments) sequencially.

An example of running the macro  FilterRootFiles.C is given by macro FilterEvents_BeamTest_CR_CERN322.C, which selects events from beam test run 700000322 according to the selection criteria:

 char* cuts = "TMath::Abs((acos(Tkr1ZDir)*(180./3.14159))-180.) < 5 && CalEnergyRaw > 10"; 





3 -  Setting the FRED GLAST panel to visualize the desired data
