Versions Compared


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The SLIC test job below actually tries to store the output in mass storage using the grid srmcp file transfer tool. But It's probably easier to transfer the output via condor. An example will be provided once it has been tested.(smile)

No Format
source /fnal/ups/grid/vdt/
voms-proxy-init -voms ilc:/ilc/detector
# give passwd etc.


where the job description file looks like:

No Format

universe = grid
type = gt2
globusscheduler =
executable = /home2/ilc/wenzel/grid/
transfer_output = true
transfer_error = true
transfer_executable = true
log = myjob.log.$(Cluster).$(Process)
notification = NEVER
output = myjob.out.$(Cluster).$(Process)
error = myjob.err.$(Cluster).$(Process)
stream_output = false
stream_error = false
globusrsl = (jobtype=single)(maxwalltime=999)
