Versions Compared


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For this tutorial you will need to have the following programs already installed:

  • Java
  • Python 2
  • SVN
  • CVS
  • ROOT

Note: The installation of one slicPandora dependency (Gear) will require the environment variable $ROOTSYS to be set, which is not compatible with most distribution-provided ROOT packages. If you have trouble with the installation, install ROOT with the 'Location Independent Installation' method described here. For more info on this issue, see this thread.

Other ilcSoft packages not covered in this tutorial will require installations of



Event Generation With MadGraph and Pythia

Note: If you already have the .hep or .stdhep files you want, or if you just want to use the particle gun in SLIC, you do not need to do the steps in this section; go on to Installing ILCSoft Programs with ilcinstall.

Download and Install MadGraph5 and Pythia


  • slic
    • Geant4-based simulation
  • slicPandora
    • PandoraPFA event reconstruction algorithms
  • PandoraSettings
    • Useful premade settings files for PandoraPFA
  • lcfiplus
    • LCFIPlus reconstruction does vertexing, jet finding and flavor tagging.

ilcinstall is installed with the command

No Format

$ svn co ilcinstall

This should create a folder called ilcinstall in the directory from which you ran the command. The version used for this tutorial was v01-17-02, rev 2820. For more help installing and using ilcinstall, see the ilcinstall documentation.

Installing SLIC

Note: Installing SLIC will involve compiling several programs, including Geant4 which is quite large. This will take a while even on a fast machine.

Once you have successfully checked out the ilcinstall project you should be able to install the rest of the tools. Start by opening the file ilcinstall/examples/slic/ in an editor and change the variables ilcsoft_install_prefix, Java_version and Java_path to reflect your environment:

  • Java_version can be found by running $ java -version.
  • Java_path is the directory containing bin/java.
  • ilcsoft_install_prefix will be the name of the directory in which it installs programs, eg. /home/$USER/ilcsoft/.

Now you should be ready to install slic. First, check that everything is set up correctly:

No Format
cd ilcinstall
./ilcsoft-install examples/slic/release-scratch.cfg -p

If this finishes with no errors, run the actual install with

No Format
./ilcsoft-install examples/slic/release-scratch.cfg -i

The script should then download, build and install slic and its dependencies.

Installing others

The same process should work for installing slicPandora, PandoraSettings and lcfiplus.

If you run into problems compiling various dependencies, check their README's (eg. /home/$USER/slicPandora/v00-00/gear/v01-03/README) and ensure you have the proper dependencies installed and environment variables set. If you can't figure it out, ask for help in the Marlin et al section of the Linear Collider Forum.

Note: At the time of this writing there was an error in the slicPandora install scripts that needed to be fixed by adding the line

No Format
from slicpandora import SlicPandora

to the top of the file examples/slicPandora/ (See this page for more information).

Running SLIC

(...Link to mcdrcal01 file...)
SLIC Script:
