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Full Cspad and 140k user side identical (and more generally would ideally have generic PixelDetector base class) - 140k currently has two by one data intermeshed, for example.

Flat file convention (I use c0r0 c0r1 ... c0 r387\nc1r0 ... looping over two by ones).  Then one can do gain_file -> image, compare(maskFile0, maskFile1), average(darkFile0, ... 3), etc.  Should tie into interactive tools.

Discussion of images - non-existing pixels, large pixels, ...

Easy access to data, position information: int pixelValue(quad, twoByOne, col, row) =, pixelX(...) = positionIter(xInd), etc. - python xNumpy, yNumpy = getPositions().

Way to push calibration improvements to users.  Currently have metrology in excel, then Mikhail cleans it in his private area, then produces constants, then the user has to pull it per exp., no default source.

Class-based detector analysis example?  E.g., in myana have class Cspad, which knows its device/detector info, writes peds/gains/etc labelled with dev/det, in one pass.  I think cspad_mod makes me run over each detector to write peds.

More contact among offline, detector, daq groups, also POCs and BLSs.

Psana for dummies web page

Automatic device detection in user module - the "" stuff gave me some difficulty at first, and I think the user wants an easy way to get all detectors in whatever run