Implementation of stellar aberration
See the sci ops talk:
Update 4/15/2008
- astro::GPS::aberration():
for given position in the sky, return correction. Used by toSky and LATdirection - astro::GPS::enableAberration(bool set);
must be called to enable inclusion of the aberration. Invoked by FluxSvc::
- astro::GPS::toSky()
for converting LAT coordinates to celestial: apply aberration if enabled. Used by:- AnalysisNtuple::McCoordsAlg (HEAD only)
- AnalysisNtuple::ObfCoordsAlg (HEAD only)
- AnalysisNtuple::FT1Alg ( since GR v13p9)
- astro::GPS::LATdirection()
Used by simulation to generate the LAT direction given an celestial coordinate. Should be used by- flux::FluxSource -- not implemented!
- flux::SourceDirection -- not implemented!
- FluxSvc::FluxSvc, property EnableAberration
- not defined yet (code lost)
- not defined yet (code lost)
Update 4/15/2008, after software meeting
It was decided by Heather and Richard to ignore this effect: it is too small, and the risk of breaking things too large. The new code to implement generation of aberrated data will be put on a branch.