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This document attempts to explain the names and functions found in the myana code and give some working examples on how to set up your analysis software. And we try to explain the structure of the data file and how to extract useful information from your data.

In several of these examples, we fill root histograms or NTuples. For more information on root, see There is no more complete or up-to-date documentation than the code itself, so regard this document as an introduction and a user guide, not a complete documentation.

If you have questions or requests related to this user guide, feel free to send me an email (ofte at


The data recorded from the LCLS experiments are stored in xtc (eXtended Tagged Container) files. These files contain This online format consists of "datagrams" which are an object of some type (TypeId) with associated status (Damage), structures that have fileds like TypeId, Damage, source (Src) and extent (size). It is Xtc files are not an indexed file and does not provide random access. The data file contains only data, and can only be read no metadata, so you depend on the pdsdata library (or similar) to make sense of the files. The only way to read it is using a special iterator (XtcIterator) and read the events seqencially, one event ( shot ) at a time. The myana application does this loop for you, and you can customize the event() function to read out the information you want from the xtc file.

You can explore the You can explore the contents of an xtc file by using the xtcreader utility or pyxtcreader utilities:

Code Block
pslogin ~ >  xtcreader -f myxtcfile.xtc | less
pslogin ~ >  pyxtcreader  myxtcfile.xtc | less

Reading through the output, you may see sections describing the various transitions in datataking. Look for these "headings" in the text output:

  • Configure transition
  • BeginRun transition
  • BeginCalibCycle transition
  • Enable transition
  • L1Accept transition — This is the event data. Each event starts with "L1Accept transition:". From the text that follows, you can get an idea of what detector data is in the xtc file.

A new tool to list the contents of the file:

Code Block

pslogin ~ >

lists all detector and epics information found in Configure and L1Accept (event data) sections, and lists number of events per calibration cycle. Can be helpful when putting together your myana or pyana analysis script. Example output.

You can analyze the xtc data with the offline tools, myana and pyana. You also have the option of using the hdf5 data format (hierarchical data format 5), but you will have to wait for the xtc -> hdf5 translation which may take some time. Also, there is no support for hdf5 analysis by the offline group quite yet. hdf5 will be the standard offline LCLS data format, and tools are under development for analyzing these filesYou also have the option of converting your experiments' xtc files into hdf5 files. More about data formats and where to find the experiment data files, see Analysis Workbook. Data Formats


The pdsdata library

See also pdsdata Reference Manual.

Myana uses the pdsdata library to access the datagrams in the xtc files, thus in this context pdsdata defines the data structure. pds = photon data system. In your analysis directory you'll find it in release/pdsdata/. The header files are in the top level directories of each package, and the implementation files are in the src directory of each package. Here's very briefly what the library contains:





Intensity position, intensity monitor board (IPIMB)
Four diodes positioned around the beam measure scattered X-rays. Based on the output voltage from the four sensors, we can determine pulse intensity and position of the beam. Note, that the lusi package contains methods to get feature-extracted / background subtracted output from the IPIMB.


SXR SLE Info (Laser Mirror Position Encoder)


for device the two CCD detectors used by the CAMP collaboration


DAQ interface to the aquiris Acqiris digitizer hardware. Waveform data.


General structure to read camera frames, configurations, feature extractions process extracted info


EVent Receiver (event code , / beam code?)


Specialized interface for Opal1000 camera. Depends on the camera package


for Pulnix TM6740CL monochrome camera used to read out the YAG screens


utility for DAQ control, PV (process variable) control and monitoring


This package defines all the datagrams for the xtc file.


DAQ interface to epics (process variables (PV))


DAQ interface to BeamLine Data, e.g. FeeGasDetEnergy, EBeam, PhaseCavity


DAQ interface to the Princeton camera


LBNL/ANL Fast CCD monochrome camera


CXI CsPad detector


LCLS Ultrafast Science Instruments Configs for diode, ipm, pim.


Xtc and Epics readers



  • Most of the functions return 0 if it was a successful function call, any other number means it failed.unmigrated-wiki-markup
  • Values are obtained through the arguments of the function calls. E.g. declare an array in your, and {{getXXXValue(&myarray\[0\])}} will fill the array for you.
  • Enums: Several of the functions can be used to extract data from several of the detectors. Which detector is specified by an enum (named constant integers). You are encouraged to use the names instead of the numbers, in case the underlying order changes in a new version of the program.


There are several getters for fetching image data from the xtc file. Depending on which camera was in use, one of these should be appropriate:

  • Opal1000 camera:
    getOpal1kValue getFrameValue (an alias getOpal1kValue is provided for getFrameValuebackward compatibility)
  • Pulnix6740CL camera:
    getTm6740Value getFrameValue (an alias getTm6740Value is provided for getFrameValuebackward compatibility)
  • FrameDetector (general):
    Code Block
    int getFrameConfig   (FrameDetector det);
    int getFrameValue(FrameDetector det, int& frameWidth, int& frameHeight, unsigned short*& image );
    Gives you the width and height (in pixels) of the image, and a pointer to the start of the pixel array of a Pds::Camera::FrameV1 object. Specify the detector (using an appropriate enum).
    Code Block
    Available frame detectors:
          AmoVmi        - velocity map imaging
          AmoBps1       - beam position screen
          AmoBps2       - beam position screen


  • Fast CCD camera:
    Code Block
     int getFccdConfig(FrameDetector det, uint16_t& outputMode, bool& ccdEnable,
                      bool& focusMode, uint32_t& exposureTime,
                      float& dacVoltage1, float& dacVoltage2, float& dacVoltage3, float& dacVoltage4,
                      float& dacVoltage5, float& dacVoltage6, float& dacVoltage7, float& dacVoltage8,
                      float& dacVoltage9, float& dacVoltage10, float& dacVoltage11, float& dacVoltage12,
                      float& dacVoltage13, float& dacVoltage14, float& dacVoltage15, float& dacVoltage16,
                      float& dacVoltage17,
                      uint16_t& waveform0, uint16_t& waveform1, uint16_t& waveform2, uint16_t& waveform3,
                      uint16_t& waveform4, uint16_t& waveform5, uint16_t& waveform6, uint16_t& waveform7,
                      uint16_t& waveform8, uint16_t& waveform9, uint16_t& waveform10, uint16_t& waveform11,
                      uint16_t& waveform12, uint16_t& waveform13, uint16_t& waveform14);
    Configures the information from the Fast CCD. Fills arguments with values depending on how the image/waveform data were taken. There is no getFccdValue in main.hh, so I think you need to use getFrameValue for this(question) .
    Code Block
     int getFrameValue(FrameDetector det, int& frameWidth, int& frameHeight, unsigned short*& image );
    Fetches the FCCD image data. Specify the detector (only SxrFccd is available as of 2012).
  • PnCCD camera (used by the CAMP collaboration):
    Code Block
     int getPnCcdValue (int deviceId, unsigned char*& image, int& width, int& height );
    This camera has 4 links, each link provides a 512 x 512 x 16 bit image. This function combines the four images to a single 1024 x 1024 x 16 bit image.
    deviceId can be PnCcd0 or PnCcd1, width and height are the number of pixels in each direction.
  • Princeton camera:
    To get the image data (array of unsigned short), use getPrincetonValue, and to get other information, like the image size, camera exposure, temperature etc, use getPrincetonConfig and getPrincetonTemperature:
    Code Block
    int getPrincetonConfig(Pds::DetInfo::Detector det det, int iDevId,
                           int& width, int& iDevId,height,  // image width and height in pixels
                           int& widthorgX, int& heightorgY, int& orgX, int& orgY,     // 0,0
                           int& binX, int&binY);binY);     // 1,1
    int getPrincetonValue(Pds::DetInfo::Detector det, int iDevId,
                          unsigned short *& image);  // pointer to first pixel element
    int getPrincetonTemperature(Pds::DetInfo::Detector det, int iDevId,
                                float& temperature);
    fetches the configuration and data from the camera. getPrincetonTemperature is there to check the temperature of the camera at the time of data taking (not necessarily available for every shot).


  • Encoder detector
    Code Block
      int getEncoderConfig   (Pds::DetInfo::Detector det, int iDevId);
      int getEncoderCount(Pds::DetInfo::Detector det, int iDevId, unsigned int& encoderCount);
    Position of mirrors (SXISXR)
  • DiodeFex (Diode feature extraction)
    Code Block
      int getDiodeFexConfig (Pds::DetInfo::Detector det, int iDevId, float* base, float* scale);
      int getDiodeFexValue (Pds::DetInfo::Detector det, int iDevId, float& value);


  • Front end enclosure Gas detector
    Code Block
     int getFeeGasDet  (double* shotEnergy);
    Gives you the shot energy to the array shotEnergy[4].
  • Electron beam monitor
    Code Block
     int getEBeam(double& charge, double& energy, double& posx, double& posy,
                  double& angx, double& angy);
     int getEBeam(double& charge, double& energy, double& posx, double& posy,
                  double& angx, double& angy, double& pkcurr);
    Gives electron beam values for each of these doubles. The measured charge of the beam (in nC),
    the measured energy of the beam (in MeV), the 2D position of the beam (in mm) away from the origin
    (nominal beam position), and 2D angular position (in mrad) off the assumed direction. and the
    pkcurr = current? in (Amps)


  • EPICS values (Process variables)
    Get integers, floats, strings from any EPICS channel (PV = process variable)
    Code Block
     int getPvInt      (const char* pvName, int& value);
     int getPvFloat    (const char* pvName, float& value);
     int getPvString   (const char* pvName, char*& value);

Further analysis help

CSPad analysis page