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Thursday Sep/299am – 9pmSergei, Su Dong, Timon, Ben, Katie
Thursday – Friday9pm – 9amPeilian, Ben (->1am), Timon (->5am), Sergei (4am->)
Friday Sep/309am – 9pmSu Dong, Nicole, Sergei (->11am)
Friday – Saturday9pm – 9amTimon (->5am,10am->), Peilian, Rob (5am->)
Saturday Oct/19am – 9pmSu Dong, Rob(->10am), Ben (10am->), Timon(10am-2pm)
Saturday – Sunday9pm – 9amNo shift, LCLS at low energy. Ben and Su Dong switching cold->warm setup
Sunday Oct/2

9am – 9pm

Ben, Peter, Katie
Sunday – Monday9pm – 9amSu Dong, Nicole
Monday Oct/39am – 9pmFrancesco, Peter
Monday – Tuesday9pm – 9amBen, Rob
Tuesday9am – 9pmSu Dong, Peter, Rob
Wednesday10am-10pmMartin, Su Dong, Timon (remote)

Event Log

Sep/19-26 prep      


  • In Run 723 we noticed that the beam pulse profile appeared to have a doubled feature.  Also see the monitoring histograms in Run723.  Called MCC.  The double feature will come/go through the night.  He at least said sorry.


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Known LCLS development for XC119 to have 2nd pulse 122ns laterSingle pulse normally at =5. 5*25ns ~ 125ns.
  • Access to add more ice.
  • 9:00 PM: Running now at 800 V with a 145 uA leakage current.  Tried again to reduce the rate by moving S10 to 0.5 mm, but saw no particles on the DUT!  Now to 2mm to verify that the DUT still exists.  Don't want to upset the operators, will wait for shift change to go back to 1mm.
  • 00:26: asked to increase slits from 1 to 2 mm.  Particle count before was ~10 (but double peak, so ~5) and after is ~30 (still double peak, so ~15).  We got this from looking at the cluster multiplicity in the 3rd telescope plane (basically no noise).
  • 1:10: asked for the S10 slits to be moved out the whole way (100 mm) so that we can quickly scan the sensor.
  • 2:35: LCLS beam down for a user (they didn't tell us...had to ask when we noticed no beam).  They say they will 'give up in 30 min' and revert back if they can't get the configuration they want.  Powered off the HV in order to preserve the temperature.
  • 3:55: Asked to go back to the 2mm S10 spacing to take some final data with LUB2.
  • 4:25: Call from ACR - lost beam because LCLS users want 30 Hz. No comment on when it would be back.
  • 4:35: Asked for an access to swap LUB1 and LUB2 (might as well while we have no beam).
  • Just swapped LUB1 and LUB2, LUB2 back in freezer.  Ran digital and analog scans during access and looked okay out of the box using LUB2 config.  The threshold was not so great, but that could just be the threshold.  Will use the proper one now.  Adam (MCC) said that LCLS user is back to 120 Hz, so we could have beam again soon (Adam is by himself tonight !!!)
  • Temperature very warm (~-10), tried turning on HV but tripped the power supply.  Turned off HV and now waiting for temperature to cool back to where it was before.
  • 7:00: Went in for an access to add more ice (now out of ice) because the rate of temperature decrease is too slow (done at 9 am!)
  • Access to examine HV and found the Bertan (orange) HV it tripping consistently at <300uA so we gave up that HV supply and switched to the green dumb HV supply.  
  • Threshold scan failed after 3rd mask stage, coupled to the abnormally low LV current (30mA). Went for access and found that threshold calibration only works with bias off and only after running the threshold calibration the LV current shows some normal value of ~300mA.
  • Leakage current uncomfortably high at ~500uA while still only at 600V. The -25C temperature is just not sufficient for running. We took some scoop of dry ice out of the chamber and sprayed into the DUT box which did the trick to get temperature down right away. The leakage current is down to <100uA. 
  • Ramping up HV slowly while the Lv current is normal after a threshold scan is the only way to get both HV and LV up. When HV reaches ~770V, current suddenly goes crazy even when HV current is <100uA which trips off both HV and LV. So settled to HV=700V as the only way to run. 
  • Switch to configuration SLAC_LUB1_only (which points to LUB2 335 calibration). 
  • We can now run and seeing nice streak data but EPICS Caladium displays of temperature etc all dead. Panels for Caladium mover are all flashing error. Mike is out today and Doug came over to help. We rest the IOC but that didn't seem to do much. I recalled the similar incident before needed cycle Beckhoffs 26 power which we did that seemed to have brought things back but many setting appeared strange so that some guessed values were inserted and eventually got it to do something. We then found that driving fine stage Y up had sagging problem again which fortunately is just a matter of going to the fine Y motor advanced settings to enable the hold current and keep enable.
  • Beam is ~150 particles/event. This was probably due to primary beam energy 11.49 GeV much closer to our secondary 11 GeV.   
  • Run 744 is a beam spot playing run with large number of events on a left vertical strip. We cannot go left any further Yfine stage reached bottom limit. After some fiddling we verified we are sitting just inside the tall vertical edge of the beam spot which is the tallest part in Y so that we have the widest streak street in the horizontal direction when viewing the APIX hit map (DUT is rotated).      
  • Run 745 started from right hand APIX edge map to scan for uniformity. We were moving Xfine stage during the run when reach target for a vertical strip. We stopped in the middle  of the DUT when beam stopped.


Run 745 accumulated 3 movesRun 746748Run 746748
  • Run 746 continued, but we realized that the beam is back to single pulse ! and didn't last for long. We notice the histogram updates were slow and even implied a lower particle rate but looks like that was due to the online monitoring went into some jammed mode and not to respond to any clicking. Had to kill it and restart everything. Run 748 is good (4 mm away from hard stop).


  • 8am MCC meeting got a tentative agreement to potentially let us in sporadically during MD in the afternoon (1-7pm) but no guarantee.
  • The apparent low efficiency of the RTI module from early data taking is explained by the fact the 225 calibration used at the time disabled very large fraction of the pixels. 
  • Martin calibrated RTISC4A RTISC2B in the lab perfectly fine with 140e noise, but setting up on the DUT platform also saw large noise. Changing LV supply and HV supply to Keithley, connecting ground wire etc all had positive or negative variations but inconclusive. The biggest effect was actually tuning off the Yfine stage holding current which we kept off and reached a setup that gave noise at 200e and  narrow threshold spread at tuning (but broadened some later). RTISC2B was installed on the DUT stage [but we thought that was RTISC4A at the time so that cali directory and run config files were mislabeled as 4A]. This calibration (555) is now the RTISC4A default config. Several row at the bottom and top and edge columns have some problems but most pixel away from the edges are looking fine, with just a few problematic central pixels. Another curious effect is for noise scans, one most of times have two large blocks of rows showing bad noise on every pixel in the block for a probability of ~few x10**-5. The top block always start from row 256. Updated HSIO2 firmware didn't change much, but after updating the HSIO2 software, this problem was no longer reproducible.The top block always start from row 256. Since this is a low frequency effect, the setup is good enough for efficiency tests.
  • In preparation for the beam run with all components, Timon updated YARR to readout 10 clock ticks to cover the double pulse events. 
  • While trying to test an auto-trig  configuration with Caladium+RTI+FE65P2 together, the YARR server esadutlbnl1 seemed to have stuck and not responding to pings. Had to go down the pit to power cycle. Moved its power line to the first channel of the remote controlled poser strip. However, it looks like this may not help much as the PC still needs to hit a manual botton at front to start. It is back up in any case but we lost the one open window connecting to it. Also noticed from the open side panel of esadutlbnl1 that a fan on the top left corner is not spinning. 
  • 5pm: BEAM coming.         Particle rate very low due to 15.3 GeV primary with 0.5mm slit10. Opened to 1mm. Quickly moved DUT to be in the beam spot. ~2 particles per crossing on DUT. 
  • Timon reprogramming YARR FPGA.
  • 17:25 Started Run 763 Caladium + RTISC2B. ~2 particles/event. Telescope beam spot in the lower X half with tallest edge in the middle of MIMOSA. RTI DUT hit region X=45-70, Y=180-280. Ended at 17.59 after 10K events. Really nice clean DUT data with the new config cleaned up noise. 
  • Restarted Run control to brining in FE65P2 producer and moved telescope by -2mm in X to make the MIMOSA beam spot centered in X which is also the center of FE65P2. Last MIMOSA plane has a slightly low Y spot from the center which may be just fine for FE65P2. Telescope (an FE65P2 with it) will be kept here while we scan around DUT regions.
  • 18:10 Run 764 with centered EUDET+FE65P2. DUT Xfine cancelled telescope X move to stay at the same local area as Run 764. MCC took away beam for 10min for primary user. Ended Run 18:21 for 2K events. 
  • 18:25 started Run 765 with DUT Xfine moved -7mm to center X=15-45. Beam taken away for 10min again for primary user after 10min. Ended run for 2K events.
  • 18:48 Run 766, primary energy 15.3->13.5 GeV with 30% higher rate. Ended at 18:58 with 3.1K events for short beam off. 
  • 19:03 Run 767, Xfine -3.5mm so that we are at X=0-30 now.  Ended at 17:45 with 11K events.

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    Run 767 RTISC2B (APIX 0) hit x correlation with MIMOSA plane 2Run 767 RTISC2B hit y correlation with MIMOSA plane 2
  • FE65P2 data empty. Dropped its producer to let Timon investigate in parallel.
  • 20:05 After a few false start, got SLAC_1dut_FEI4B_RTISC4A setup up without FE65P2, but beam temporarily off. Down for at least 15-20min. DUT Yfine down by3mm to aim for top left corner.
  • Asked for access to check FE65P2 HV,LV and module. All seemed to be up. Just pinched the partially blocked FE65P2 module connector which was slightly loose. Timon believes dataflow was OK with module standlaone operation and just without hits. maybe a calibration fixed it. Everything rounded in to the SLAC_1dut_FEI4B_RTISC4A_YARRParasitic configuration [note we mislabeled the config as for RTISC4A but it is really RTISC2B running].
  • 21:05 Beam back. Start Run 775. FE65P2 hits now seen !  Only have 10min left. Ended run for ~2K events. Go for high rate for the last 10min.         
  • Moved Yfine up by 8mm to hit lower part of RTI.
  • 21:30 Run 776 opened slit10 to 4mm with particle rate up to ~16/event. We are moving DUT stage during run without stopping for a quick spray of hits everywhere for local cluster analyses only. 
  • 21:50 Ended Run 776 with 5K events.

    RunstarteventsRTI DUT beam spotDUT clus/evtNotes
    76317:2510KX=45-70; Y=180-280  1.7RTISC2B only, MIMOSA beam spot on left half 
    76418:102KX=45-70; Y=180-280  1.7FE65P2 joined, but empty. Telescope moved to center beam spot.
    76518:252KX=15-45; Y=180-280  1.7DUT Xfine -7mm
    76618:483KX=15-45; Y=180-280  3.1Primary beam energy 15.3->13.5  
    76719:0311KX=  0-30; Y=180-280  3.3DUT Xfine -3.5mm
    77521:052KX=  0-30; Y=230-330  3.3FE65P2 hits back after scan. Yfine -~3mm to aim for top left corner 
    77621:305KMoved all over   16DUT stage moved RTI module during run.
    Image AddedImage AddedRun 776 hit spray at high rate while DUT stage was moved many times during the run without stop to cover wide range of regions, especially those not in the previous runs. The beam spot location at last MIMOSA plane (5) is essentially unchanged for all the runs today and should also be centered to FE65P2 mounted just behind it. Note the remarkable cleanness of the RTI APIX with essentially no noise hits.
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  • This is the end of data taking for this test beam session.        


The original event log for Oct/4 mislabelled the running RTI module as RTISC4A and even using the calibration directory and Run control config files names as RTISC4A but the actual module was RTISC2B. The notes in the Oct/4 event log were retroactively corrected.