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When electrons leave the surface they have an initial energy, typically the spectral energy distribution is peaked around 2eV and the average energy is 4-5 eV. In this MP simulation on ICHIRO cavity cell, the effects of initial kinetic energies on MP behaviors are investigated, the below plot shows the Impact energy as a function of field gradient for particles with resonant trajectories for intial kinetic energies from 2 eV to 5 eV,  the impact energies range from 20 eV to 55 eV, there is a  MP barrier around 23 MV/m field gradinent, based on the SEY curve provided KEK, this MP barrier is soft, which agree with RF tests, they found the some signles but can process through.

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Multipacting simulation on beampipe step shows there are several MP barriers, the hardest is at 29.4 MV/m. Based on our simulation results and KEK?s measurement data, Saito construct below table which shows our simulation agree very well with their measurement, both have same MP barriers.

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MP simulation on TTFIII coupler




ceremic window

MP simulation on RF gungun  RFGunEndplatte-1.ppt

MP simulation on LBSK MP on LBSK-waveguide.ppt LBSK-window(2).ppt MP on LBSK(3).ppt

MP simulation on coupler processing cavity ILCmeetin20-Coupler-Processing-Cavity.ppt MPCPC.ppt ILCmeeting24-CPC(III).ppt MP on Coupler Processing Cavity.ppt

MP simulation on ILC shape TE011SRF cavityMP-ILCTE011 (2).pdf

MP simulation on CLIC HDX-11 structureUK-XBand-Workshop-no-movie1.ppt

MP simulation on muon cooling cavitypac09-muon-v2.doc

MP simulation on SNS cavity

single cellMultipacting-standingwave.ppt


MP simulation on FRIB


