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Follow the CVS Instructions to checkout the software projects of interest. Read over the development tools section to learn about the tools we use to build and development the software.

The reconstruction software is based on the Java language, which you'll need to learn if you want to contribute. Sun's Java Tutorial Book is an excellent place to start if you are new to this language.

titlePython, Too

Scripts can also be written in the Python language using


the Jython interpretter.

Read over the development tools section to learn about the tools we use to build and development the software.

Work through the Getting Started Tutorial to learn about the basic concepts.

Lists of Project Ideas

A list of specific issues was compiled at the ALCPG Simulation and Reconstruction Workshop.

Jeremy McCormick maintains a list of project ideas. (Real bugs and feature requests go into the Jira.)

Some Example Projects

  • Geometry System in Reconstruction
    • allow geometries to come from multiple input files
    • improve interoperability
      • access Mokka or JUPITER geometry data
      • ID decoding for detectors not run with SLIC
  • Reconstruction
    • process LCIO files using both org.lcsim and MARLIN
  • Simulation Software
    • support for putting GDML data in multiple input files
    • additional calorimeter readout types to the LCDD package or improve on existing readouts
    • CAD interface
      • use case - LAPP ECAL for SiD
  • Simulation Validation
    • investigate and characterize effects of range cuts and physics limits on Geant4 simulation
    • comparison of different physics lists (preferarably with real data, too)
      • single particle response of h0, in particular
  • Event Generation
    • python wrapper to the different generators used at ILC, e.g. Pythia, Isajet, etc.
    • SUSY StdHep files for benchmarks
  • Testbeam
    • use JAS3 and org.lcsim to create a data analysis application for the Calorimeter testbeam
    • do some analysis on real ECAL data
  • AIDA (+ Plotting)
    • binary data format in order to store Ntuples
    • 3D plotting

A University Program of Accelerator and Detector Research for the International Linear Collider (vol. III)